How do you start


New Member
I would relly love some advice from some experienced cham owners on how to start hand feeding and handling! Thank you
Not being rude but you should use the search I think there have been at least two threads on this subject in the last month.
Yeah most chameleon's don't really like being handled, there are some exceptions to that rule but no matter how much you handle them, or how used they get to your hands, the stress will eventually give them an early death.

Can you imagine if all of a sudden some giant tentacles came out of the sky and picked you up? Yeah, think about that for a second then put youself in the chameleon's shoes.

You can get the chameleon used to eating off of your hand, and have them associate good things with you(such as food), but if you bought it in hopes of it hanging on you like an iguana you bought the wrong pet =(

We'd be happy to help if you have questions but I think the next best move is to google some care sheets for your breed. =)
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Yeah most chameleon's don't really like being handled, there are some exceptions to that rule but no matter how much you handle them, or how used they get to your hands, the stress will eventually give them an early death.

Can you imagine if all of a sudden some giant tentacles came out of the sky and picked you up? Yeah, think about that for a second then put youself in the chameleon's shoes.

You can get the chameleon used to eating off of your hand, and have them associate good things with you(such as food), but if you bought it in hopes of it hanging on you like an iguana you bought the wrong pet =(

We'd be happy to help if you have questions but I think the next best move is to google some care sheets for your breed. =)

I agree with this.
Start by slowly gaining trust btween u and the cham. Start by putting a silk or a hornworm near him and take one step back. Let him eat it. Keep doing that for a week or so. Then start holding the worm just inside his cage in front of you so he focuses on the bug and not on your eyes. If you can gently squeeze the worm and it will begin to move. That movement should attract him to eat the bug. Start slowly it takes time.
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