How do you suppose I make a drainage system?


I plan to put that ficus tree under the table so that it can fit and the pot is at the bottom of the cage. The problem is, I don't know what to do to make a drainage system. Any ideas?
There are a number of solutions to simply "drain". The simplest to is get the dragonstrand drainage tray or build one.
If you are going to cut out a hole for the pot and fit the pot under your cage you fit a funnel under the pot and place a bucket under that. Creating the support for the pot and funnel will be the challenge. The enclosure thread drainage thread has a great example. I will Gryffindor it if you can't.
I just drilled 3 holes n the plastic floor and set my pot in the middle so it pushes down and directs the flow there . The pot had previously drilled holes so excess water drains too. I put a sterelite container to catch the water which isn't much even after 4 misting sessions of 2-4 minutes each. I also lined the back of my cage with shower curtain liner from the 99c store. Little to no drops come out the cage from the sides. You might want to put aquarium save silicone to line up the bottom if it dripstill from the edges but I didn't have that issue. Hope that helps. I've been running my mistking for a couple of days now getting ready for the baby and I haven't had an issue with the drainage.
Here's how I did mine
Straight-on view
and side view

Picked up the corrugated plastic sheet at Home Depot for like $15. Drilled holes in it. Bent it. Angled it. Put stand legs thru the holes.

I hope this helps :)


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I have standing edges where my cages are so I just pored some water and looked where it would flow then drilled a hole and glued in a hose and hung a container under it.



And yes it's a bit messy in that room... and yes with a bit I actually mean a lot.
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