it just takes time. one morning try putting in a feeder bowl only worms, and don't give any crickets. just to see if they will spark his interest. it also helps if there squirming around a little. at least my little guy likes that. but he should turn around soon.
Most recommend not feeding meal worms because of their hard body, and relative lack of good nutritional value, if you can find small super worms they would be better, just make sure to gut load them as you would crickets.
Wax worms should be as a treat only due to their fat content.
Some other worms (more nutritional as well) to try, are, butter worms, silk worms, horn worms and repi-worms (aka phoenix worms, aka black solder fly larvae).
My panther used to not eat worms, till he got bored with crickets and would ONLY eat worms, now he just goes back and fourth on what he wants depending on his mood.