How does my chameleon look, pics included


New Member
This is my 6 month old veiled chameleon Levi. He has been trying to eat a lot of dirt lately and that concerns me. He eats crickets, mealy worms, superworms and sometimes i give him wax worms, so i change up his diet regularly.

Also the black spots on his stomach i believe are from when he got his back claw stuck basically inside his stomach. I had to help him get it out, i dont know why this happens but it happened a couple times. These arent ticks are they? One more thing, how much bigger do you think he will get. Thanks guys.


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If those black marks are the exact location where your cham got his leg claws stuck, then those are probably scabs/scars, not mites. How does a cham do that twice?:)

He can get a lot larger, maybe even up to 24". He does look good and you are proud of your addition to your family.
Yeah thats where he got his claws stuck and i dont know how he does it, i guess he isnt too coordinated yet. I hope he gets that big, that would be great. Thanks
How old do you guys think he is. The pet store owner said he was around 6 months but that was just a regular mall pet store. Thanks
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