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I have 3 female jacksons and just got a male (thanks amanda)
Any time ive bred chameleons in the past its been a pair. ive never used multiple females for one male.
Ive left males in with females to copulate multiple times but how should i approach this to make sure each female gets the package?
Are there any concerns with the deposit not being potent if i mate him with multiple females in a short period of time?
should a wait a few day? weeks? or more in between copulations?
Any time ive bred chameleons in the past its been a pair. ive never used multiple females for one male.
Ive left males in with females to copulate multiple times but how should i approach this to make sure each female gets the package?
Are there any concerns with the deposit not being potent if i mate him with multiple females in a short period of time?
should a wait a few day? weeks? or more in between copulations?