How Long can a chameleon go without Food


Established Member
I have a 4 months old veiled chameleon and I am concerned because he has eaten little over the first week that I have had him. I know why he has a bacterial infection called Coccidia. It is taking longer to get the medicine because he is small they had to create a less powerful dosage. Is there technique that will encourage him to eat. Any advice appreciated Thanks
Have you tried different types of feeders. I have never had a cham turn down a blue bottle fly :) The buzzing and reflective blue really get their appetites going!
Oh no Nate. I am so sorry to hear this about Gus. What meds are being used to treat the coccidia? I hope not the Albon. It makes chameleons very sick and causes them not to eat. You may need to start force feeding. There is a much better drug out now for treatment called ponazuri. Here's some info about it.
One of the hardest parts about coccidia is the clean up so they don't reinfect. Here a good link on the clean up.
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When my veiled turns away from his crickets, all I have to do is put a big fat wax worm wiggling in front of him and he can not resist.....maybe try something like that.....I hope your boy starts to eat again very soon.
I do not know the specific name but I am assuming it is ponazuri because in a chain of emails I had with my vet he was telling me that treatment has come a long way and their is a safer drug to treat his condition. How do you force feed a chameleon?

The coccidies...i know.
I've a female with the coccidiosis. I noticed that a short time after the purchase. She was 6 months. Thankfully, I got caught in time, before the first pathologies. She has today about 10 months and she look healthy. With treatment, the number of coccidia decreased but is still too high.
Without coprology, never I would doubt that they was seek.

I treat with Bactrim. Everyday, I must give to the syringe the treatment. I always add water because this treatment is very exhausting for the kidneys (Sulfamethoxazole...).
If you give as to the syringe, add a small flexible plastic tube, not to break his teeth.
And be careful, not to inject into the trachea who the inlet is located under the tongue.

I say that but your veterinarian you've probably already explained.

Courage, the treatment is long but if you is caught in time, they support the coccidiosis quite well.

Don't panic too for you're other reptils: Coccidiosis is transmitted from feces to mouth. Not through sexual and if reproduction, for the oviparous species, the babies risk nothing.

What is the "first pathologies" ? and thank you for the response I understand because I am taking French I can be difficult to say what you mean:D
Having a high parasite load like coccidia can cause a decrease in appetite, especially when stressed (like moving to a new home.) Keep him well hydrated, try to keep getting him to eat, and treat the parasites with your vet. It is very important that you keep the cage clean to prevent re-infection.

I would inform whoever you bought him from that he has parasites. If you got him from a good breeder they may be able to help you or pay for some of the vet costs.

Also, try feeding hornworms, butterworms, or silkworms and see if he will eat those. Flies, mantids, and anything that flies or is green usually is eaten eagerly.
I understand because I am taking French I can be difficult to say what you mean:D
Génial, je peux te parler en français alors ? :D

If i'm not mistaken, the first pathologies are a general weakening but where you're in there, it's often too late.
I have another question, I have not seen him drink and his eyes are very slightly sunken should I increase misting or try to drop some water near him to simulate droplets falling from leafs? I contacted Chameleons Northwest(where I bought him and a site sponsor) and the guy there was fairly reluctant to refund me money and was really pushing reptaid which Is not what my wet said. I asked my vet about it and he was pretty pissed that someone was thinking that they knew more compared to his expert opinion. I am picking up his medicine tomorrow and hopefully he will return to normal soon.
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