how long can a hunger strike lest? at the max? to hurt?

Do you think you could find anything that flies? Maybe some blue bottle flies or butterflies? Moths? Locust? etc and so forth.

My guys/gals love anything with wings as it gives them some extra challenge when hunting.
it depends on the animal. sometimes a few weeks
yours ate a mouse, so maybe its not hungry.
make sure it has plenty of water. dehydration can cause lack of appetite. As can other poor husbandry /environmental factors.

You might want to provide answers to all the questions in the how to ask for help sticky.
When I got my Sambava Lenny from another forum member he did not eat for 11 days. I am not sure if it was really a hunger strike and being tired of food cause he just flat out refused to eat! The previous owner only fed crickets and I tried all different feeders on him What I am saying is he went almost two weeks, so they can go awhile if they are and adult and of a decent weight I would think.
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