How long do they live?


Avid Member
I'm not altogether new to chameleons, but I don't feel I'm finding very solid information on lifespans out there. I've seen websites list 2 years as the average lifespan for a panther, and my vet seemed to think two years was getting up there - but Thaxter's three and seems to be still going strong. I'd like to think I can enjoy him for another few years yet. I've heard some people say a Jackson's can live for 7, and others say that 4 years is very long for a Jacksons. So, how about it? Anyone have maximum and/or average lifespans for the main pet species (i.e. panther, Jackson's, veiled, melleri)?
you dont hear a lot about panthers older than 3ish but they can live for some time given proper care. I dont know for sure, but i dont think there is any reason you cant enjoy him for several years to come, maybe more. wish you the best!
Most of my veiled females live to be 7 and the males live even longer.

Panther females live to at least 3 or 4 years of age and the males generally live to be 5.

I have had Mediterranean chameleons live to be over 6 years of age with no problem....males and females...and including ones that came to me WC.

Fischer's and merus can easily live to be over 5....again, both males and females.

I have no numbers for Meller's since all but one that I had came to me WC and not in very good condition. IMHO, Meller's can be more problematic. Kristina should be able to give you average ages for them.
In the females case, I know that breeding reduces her life emensly due to excess stress.Also, when chameleons get older they do not need to consume as much food or vitamins. I also was also reading in one of my cham books that the improper enclosure and enviroment can reduce that chameleons life.
I had a WC melleri live for about 3 years - he died of coccidia last week. My CB melleri will be 4 in Feb. I have from good sources, heard of 18 year old melleri in Tanzania (on a farm).

I know they live to be 12 or more, with absolute certainty.

My old male veiled died at about 8 this year.
ive heard 5 years for female panthers and 7 for male panthers. veileds are 5-7 for females and 6-9 for males. thats from a book i read.
My oldest male panther, Simon, was about 7 and a half when I had him put down. I made many mistakes with Simon, despite that yet he lived to a very good old age. But another male panther I had lived to only about 5 (not exactly sure of his age as I got him full grown). I had one female panther live to 4 and a half, the other only almost made 4.
Husbandry will play a large role, but so will just the characteristics of the individual.
Yeah, that's kind of sad that a dubia roach almost lives as long as a female panther. I see a lot of people dumping their breeders off at around the 5 age mark to collect some money before it goes, a lot of people here.
This thread is making me sad because my Dizzle (male Sambava) is almost 5...I honestly have no idea what I am going to do when that time comes. my Husband jokingly said he was going to have to leave the house for a couple of days because I am going to be a mess. He is very well taken care of, but has had it rough in his earlier years, due to trial and error on my part before finding this thread. He has had an eye infection, that was more like 2 because it came back, and he somehow sliced open his knee one time causing an infection. The vet could see bone and said he probably wouldn't live. He never showed any trouble and have never stopped eating and drinking. I hope everyone is wrong and he lives a Good 5years + more...I have already told my husband I will be getting him tattooed on me when anything happens to me...he thinks I am crazy :)
This thread is making me sad because my Dizzle (male Sambava) is almost 5...I honestly have no idea what I am going to do when that time comes. my Husband jokingly said he was going to have to leave the house for a couple of days because I am going to be a mess. He is very well taken care of, but has had it rough in his earlier years, due to trial and error on my part before finding this thread. He has had an eye infection, that was more like 2 because it came back, and he somehow sliced open his knee one time causing an infection. The vet could see bone and said he probably wouldn't live. He never showed any trouble and have never stopped eating and drinking. I hope everyone is wrong and he lives a Good 5years + more...I have already told my husband I will be getting him tattooed on me when anything happens to me...he thinks I am crazy :)

I have yet to own a cham for more than 3 months right now and I just lost one a few days ago that I only had for 1.5 months and I was mess!! So yea, I can imagine and its heartworming that people do get emotional.. Im getting my red eye tree frog tattooed on me. I don't think Its weird. Someone had me take pics of my cham Ben the other day on my hand because they wanted a tattoo ont heir hand of a cham and more realistic.. I have yet to see the outcome in person but I was flattered.
2 years probably is the average because these animals are high-maintenance and there's a lot of misinformation about husbandry out there (just ask your local big chain pet store employee). I have no idea what their life expectancy would be under ideal conditions, but what others have said sounds a lot more likely than just 2 years.

PS - Do Dubia really live that long? I've got a few big males in my bin that really freak me out ... I was hoping they'd just die soon D:
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