How long does he have to live?

dying cham

New Member
Got a baby veiled cham off of craigslist, he was very happy healthy and fat when I got him. (Picture below of when I got him)

Now all he does is sit in the dirt at the bottom of his cage and figit/shake. He has TERRIBLE motor skills, and his crickets walk all over him and all he can do is look.

I'm pretty sure its MBD. I take good care of him, hes never gone without. All necessary precautions were taken. Its just a fluke I guess. So when can I expect him to depart? Anyway to stop this?


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Sorry to hear this you need to take him to the vet right away!! If he is going to have any chance. Good luck and do alot of research..
The vet can give him a calcium injection and maybe save his life also you need to answer the ask for help questions so that after his vet visit we can help you get him back on the road to recovery.

How to ask for help


Here is some recommended information to include when asking for help in the health clinic forum. By providing this information, you will receive more accurate and beneficial responses. It might not be necessary to answer all these questions, but the more you provide the better. Please remember that even the most knowledgeable person can only guess at what your problem may be. Only an experienced reptile veterinarian who can directly examine your animal can give a true diagnosis of your chameleon's health.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Describe your cage (Glass, Screen, Combo?) What are the dimensions?
Lighting - What brand, model, and types of lighting are you using? What is your daily lighting schedule?
Temperature - What temp range have you created (cage floor to basking spot)? Lowest overnight temp? How do you measure these temps?
Humidity - What are your humidity levels? How are you creating and maintaining these levels? What do you use to measure humidity?
Plants - Are you using live plants? If so, what kind?
Placement - Where is your cage located? Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas? At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor?
Location - Where are you geographically located?

Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care?
Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon?
Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? What amount? What is the schedule? How are you gut-loading your feeders?
Supplements - What brand and type of calcium and vitamin products are you dusting your feeders with and what is the schedule?
Watering - What kind of watering technique do you use? How often and how long to you mist? Do you see your chameleon drinking?
Fecal Description - Briefly note colors and consistency from recent droppings. Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites?
History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you.
Current Problem - The current problem that you are concerned about.

Pictures are helpful
He is suffering from MBD I would imagine.... will he eat? if he will eat dust his food with calcium withOUT D3 and then take him outside in DIRECT sunlight (in a screen cage is OK) and let him bask in the sun. Don't cook him out there.... but let him get full sun.

You also need to see a vet.

What kind of lights are you using?

Check out this site about lighting: UV guide


Cage Info:
Cage Type - glass with screen top, 2x1x1
Lighting - UVB 5.0 tube lookin thing on during the day, the red one has been staying on 24/7
Temperature - let it range between 90 and 60 F, in cage thermo
Humidity - i keep it moderate, agian, use a guage
Plants - fake plants, dead pussy willow branches
Placement - on a desk next to the window
Location - colorado

Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - male veil
Handling - not often
Feeding - crickets, he stopped eating meal worms, using all the crap they sell you at the store, flukers i think, once daily around noon food is put in the cage
Supplements - flukers
Watering - Wnever seen him drink, stopped misting, its a dripper bucket
Fecal Description - they look normal
History -
Current Problem -MBD

Pictures are helpful[/QUOTE]
Wow-did you do any research? My intent is not to offend but to help your cham if that is possible.

He should not be in a glass cage. You are cooking him. The temps are WAY WAY WAY too high. No bulb should be on 24/7-they need to cool off at night.
Why in the world did you stop misting?
Meal worms are a terrible feeder. You are not gutloading or properly supplementing. Gutloading with fresh fruits and vegetables is the way to go.
This is really sad-and then you are just leaving crickets in there to bother him? Please take him to a Vet-it may be time to end his misery.
He needs a basking light (40 to 60 watt) household bulb so he can bask at about 85.

You do not need any type of light at night.

You really need an all screen cage

You should gutload your cricket with fresh fruit & veg.

You need to dust the feeders almost everyday with plain calcium and 2 times a month with calcium with d3 and once a month with a multi vit. dust.

You should drip and mist. He should be mister 2 to 3 times a day.

You need to get him to the vet asap

Below is a link to some great info on keeping a veiled chameleon:
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Live and learn i guess depending on how cold his house gets at night he might need that on he said the red one meaning a nocturnal light i suppose i think your supplementation might be the cause how long have you had him. Don't take the criticism personally everybody is just trying to help even though some people feel the need to repeat the previous person, I believe you asked how long does he have left, Its really up to him 1 day 1 hour a week.. Depending also on how fast you act..Please update soon,
Figured I would update you all.

Took the thing to a vet. He put it on some medicine and we got it a new custom cage and all this expensive food and everything.

Needless to say, he is a fatty now. He wont stop growing and he has gotten very use to life. He still acts like a tard (has trouble using his front left arm) but still manages to motor around. he eats well (tons) and probably costs more to maintain than myself when concerning food budget. I'll see if my mom can email me some pictures if you want.

she is the reason I came back. she wanted to thank you all for 'saving his life'
Glad hes doing ok. If you don't want to spend the $$$ on your pets then don't buy them. Chams are expensive pets to purchase and maintain. It sounds like your young so i hope your parents are helping supplement your cham budget.
Wow-I was just reading my reply here-I was pretty harsh-but if it saved a life I certainly am glad! Nice job in getting him to the Vet-I know that has to make you feel good that you helped him! :)
hehe i sound young. here are some blurry pics. thats what you get when you ask an old lady to take pics with a 'confounding camera'.


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Figured I would update you all.

Took the thing to a vet. He put it on some medicine and we got it a new custom cage and all this expensive food and everything.

Needless to say, he is a fatty now. He wont stop growing and he has gotten very use to life. He still acts like a tard (has trouble using his front left arm) but still manages to motor around. he eats well (tons) and probably costs more to maintain than myself when concerning food budget. I'll see if my mom can email me some pictures if you want.

she is the reason I came back. she wanted to thank you all for 'saving his life'

Hmmm well to me it sounds like you don't even want your chameleon by what you said but I'm glad he is ok! Does he have a name?
Where are you located? Are you here in the states. if so which one? It does effect how you set up your cham.
He lives in Colorado. His tongue has been removed, thus far. He is still kind of retarded, but I guess thats the way it goes. His name is Chauncers.
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