How long does it take to start breeding feeders ?


If I want to start breeding crickets or grasshoppers/locusts, how long will I wait for them to breed and give me an enough number of feeders to start feeding?

Also I've started a feeders breeding project months ago using beetles!
They were more than about 5 beetles but I only got about 7 worms and almost all of them died :( they didn't eat anything! (I fed them vegetables like cucumber, carrots, tomatoes)
I'm also afraid that adult beetles may eat them :/

Can anyone please help?
If I want to start breeding crickets or grasshoppers/locusts, how long will I wait for them to breed and give me an enough number of feeders to start feeding?

Also I've started a feeders breeding project months ago using beetles!
They were more than about 5 beetles but I only got about 7 worms and almost all of them died :( they didn't eat anything! (I fed them vegetables like cucumber, carrots, tomatoes)
I'm also afraid that adult beetles may eat them :/

Can anyone please help?

Did you try to breed super worms? What beetles were you using and what worms? A little more info please and also, tell me what your medium was. You could have baby worms in the medium.
Thanks BocaJan!

No they weren't superworms,
I honestly don't even know what specie they were! xO

But I'm sure it's not a poisonous one or something! it's a desert beetle and can always be found anywhere around my house

But the worms looked just like superworms :D
Well depends on the feeder. If you are considering breeding dubia roaches (I highly recommend, very easy), you will only have to wait a month or two, they breed like mad. Others, may take you a while to get established. If you do decide to take a chance with dubias, let me know and I can give you some great info on how to take care of them! :D
If you are looking at breeding crickets it takes no time at all. Just leave a thing of dirt in the adult bin for them to lay the eggs. Leave it in for about 4 days then take it out and put it in another container. Keeping the dirt moist and temperature between 85 to 90 with a heating pad underneath the incubating container and they will start hatching in about 4 days. You will literally get thousands in one batch using about 200 adult's that laid the eggs. If you need more specifics just let me know. I now have way to many that I can use and am now selling crickets.
Thank you very much Swayne!

That's interesting! xD I think I may try breeding them :)
You're very welcome! :)
If you are looking at breeding crickets it takes no time at all. Just leave a thing of dirt in the adult bin for them to lay the eggs. Leave it in for about 4 days then take it out and put it in another container. Keeping the dirt moist and temperature between 85 to 90 with a heating pad underneath the incubating container and they will start hatching in about 4 days. You will literally get thousands in one batch using about 200 adult's that laid the eggs. If you need more specifics just let me know. I now have way to many that I can use and am now selling crickets.
Haha I will be coming out the ears soon with dubias.
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