How Long Until Newborns Start Hunting?


New Member
Hi all,

I am the proud papa of my first BB Ambilobe Panther Hatchling!!! :D

The eggs have been incubating for about 7.5 they came a little earlier than I expected. My first one arrived on Saturday...pretty tuckered out. It came out with its umbilical sac still attached. The sac has shrunk to almost nothing the last two days. I've got fruit flies brewing. In the meantime, it's in a small enclosure with some pinheads. He has eaten some, with a little assistance from us. How soon until he's on his own? Do they know how to use their tongue right off the bat?

I have one in the process of hatching now, and a couple sweating. Exciting times!!!
They feed off the yolk sac until it is gone, so they won't start to hunt until after that. Don't rush them:) they will get there soon, and eat you out of house and home.:D Congrats
Thanks for the quick reply Laurie. It's much more active today. When I took the lid off the enclosure, he quickly tried to escape. Crawled right on my wife's hand. I took some pics...will post later.
Wonderful, sound like you are off and running, now comes all the fun, i love babies, a little miracle of nature for me to watch grow.:)
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