How many crickets for 3 mo. veiled and What else?


New Member
My veiled chameleon, George, is about 3 months old. As you may have read in previous posts he was quite ill but is doing great now. Today I gave him about 15 crickets and he was going all over his cage as if he was hunting for more. So, we added about another 15 (didn't mean too but they came out of container really fast). Well, he ate most of them! :eek: He's already shedded a few days ago and I can tell he's gotten bigger in a week! I am thrilled he's looking so healthy and acting it but can he eat too many??

Also, what other feeders should I feed him? My other female chameleon was much older and bigger. She ate meal worms, horned worms and crickets along with some vegitables. She did not like phenox worms.

When can I introduce some other foods like fruits and greens etc? I have a list of food that can be fed to chameleons but don't have it in front of me. :) My battery is almost dead so making this quick. Thanks!

Thank you!
It's pretty general that for younger Chameleons, people will advise owners to feed their Chams as much as they will eat in about a 5 minute period. All of the younger Chams I have owned will eat and eat until you don't give them anymore so I would say stick to the 5 minute rule!

Because all Chameleons grow at different rates, how many inches is it? Depending on this, that is what you can generally feed them. I personally never feed Chameleons or Geckos anything with too hard of a shell. That includes mealworms, cockroaches, etc. Just because they have softer skin and a more sensitive digestive system (that is all up to the owner, though!) I use waxworms a treat, but only as a treat- it's like chocolate to them.

Not a whole lot of Chameleons will attempt eating greens. IF you are one of the lucky ones; Collard Greens, and Kale are easiest to find and are probably cheapest. It's more common that they eat berries. If you have live plants in your terrarium, they must be non-toxic to chameleons. This is very important! They are more likely to chomp down on the plants growing in their terrarium than they are to eat the ones in the bowl below.

I hope this helps in the slightest!
Thank you that helps a lot! So far all my little guy eats is crickets. I do gut load them too. I will stick to the 5 minute rule then! I have never had one so tiny/young so I appreciate the advice. He's about 5-6 inches long from tip of nose to tip of his tail. This is an estimate. I did try some tiny meal worms once but he wouldn't touch them so won't get them again. LOL I don't use live plants. I wish I could but we have a real bad issue with fruit flies/knats and every time I have tried to use them or even keep them in my house my plants get loaded with them. So, He only had plastic. Again thank you for the advice. It does help! :)
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