My veiled chameleon, George, is about 3 months old. As you may have read in previous posts he was quite ill but is doing great now. Today I gave him about 15 crickets and he was going all over his cage as if he was hunting for more. So, we added about another 15 (didn't mean too but they came out of container really fast). Well, he ate most of them!
He's already shedded a few days ago and I can tell he's gotten bigger in a week! I am thrilled he's looking so healthy and acting it but can he eat too many??
Also, what other feeders should I feed him? My other female chameleon was much older and bigger. She ate meal worms, horned worms and crickets along with some vegitables. She did not like phenox worms.
When can I introduce some other foods like fruits and greens etc? I have a list of food that can be fed to chameleons but don't have it in front of me.
My battery is almost dead so making this quick. Thanks!
Thank you!
Also, what other feeders should I feed him? My other female chameleon was much older and bigger. She ate meal worms, horned worms and crickets along with some vegitables. She did not like phenox worms.
When can I introduce some other foods like fruits and greens etc? I have a list of food that can be fed to chameleons but don't have it in front of me.
Thank you!