How many crickets to feed a Jackson per day


New Member
I just got a Jackson Cham and he's about 3 months old. He ate about 3 crickets today but he is pretty small, not skinny but small. So how many crickets or mealworms should he be eating a day. PS, I use the necessary powder stuff to cover his food in. Thanks
i have a baby cham and they said to feed her 5 a day to start out, and to put a mealworm bowl out with about 5 to 8 in there. just so they have food. if he is tiny do not put to many crickets in there, they will gang up and attack you new lil guy. watch what he is eating and go from there. you deff want small crickets and dust them with the cricket dust for calcium and vitamins.
do you have a petco or anything by you? they can sell you crickets, you want them gut loaded meaning they ate food and are full. and they will dust them for you too, plus they are already fed. i found its cheaper just to run to the store every 2 days and get about 10. then give her 5 one day and 5 the next. they are like 1.26 for 10. them you dont have to have a lil cricket farm going on too and you can enjoy your new baby and he will be healthy, plus you can get your worm there too. youll need a lil stariner cause he cant eat the dust. but i found its easy to get tweezers and pluck them out into a strainer just to be safe then put like five in the bowl. they normal eat at night so dont be scared if you dont she him eat. but if you talk to him and play with him he will get used to you and start eating in front of you. when they get bigger they say they will eat from your hand. you sound like me all worried at first. but they come around. now mine when she hears my voice will climb up to the top of her cage and reach for me to pick her up. i hope this helps :D congrats on your new baby. my lil girl is named Ducky from the land before time. she is a veiled cham, what kind did you get?
He looks older than 3 months in those pictures. My Jackson's does not eat much, usually 2-3 food items a day, he is an adult though. I would recommend a wide variety of food items, not just crickets. And I do avoid meal worms as they can cause impactation. My Jackson's loves silk worms, hornworms, dubia roaches and mantids. ALso be sure to gut load the prey items yourself as pet stores may not be properly gutloading. There are many threads and blogs on proper gutloading. You should also read the many threads and blogs on Jackons as they are much different to care for than other species. They can be over supplemented and require cooler temps and much more water and higher humidity.
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He is beautiful, with his size youll be able to but more food in no time. mines is only like 4 to 8 weeks, and she is going through a digging stage right now like a lil kid. gotta love them, well best of luck to you and friend me if you have any more questions. have a great day:)
How old do u think he is. I'll try to avoid mealworms from now on. The prob is there's no silkworms or the other works you mentioned at any pet store around, not even petco or petsmart. Thank you very much for your help.
Thank you I really like him he looks so cool with the horns on him. Thanks for your suggestion and offering me help, also how old do you think he is.
do you have a petco or anything by you? they can sell you crickets, you want them gut loaded meaning they ate food and are full. and they will dust them for you too, plus they are already fed. i found its cheaper just to run to the store every 2 days and get about 10. then give her 5 one day and 5 the next. they are like 1.26 for 10. them you dont have to have a lil cricket farm going on too and you can enjoy your new baby and he will be healthy, plus you can get your worm there too. youll need a lil stariner cause he cant eat the dust. but i found its easy to get tweezers and pluck them out into a strainer just to be safe then put like five in the bowl. they normal eat at night so dont be scared if you dont she him eat. but if you talk to him and play with him he will get used to you and start eating in front of you. when they get bigger they say they will eat from your hand. you sound like me all worried at first. but they come around. now mine when she hears my voice will climb up to the top of her cage and reach for me to pick her up. i hope this helps :D congrats on your new baby. my lil girl is named Ducky from the land before time. she is a veiled cham, what kind did you get?

Wow this is real good info now that i just got my jackson chameleon today thanks ImageUploadedByTapatalk1354317678.206231.jpg
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