How many supers?


Chameleon Enthusiast
I am the girl having trouble with the cham who wont eat the crickets! ii have about 300 of them so I am kind a pissed! lol! Was wondering if he will only eat supers, then how many a day is good? He is a 8 mos old Sambava. Going to get some siklworms today and try and change up the diet and see if he will eat those.
My cham went through a period where all she would eat is crickets, no silkies,butters,wax, not even supers. somebody suggested to me to try using hornworms (which are difficult to get around here right now) but I managed to find some and they worked. Ever since she had them she is back eating anything that moves lol. As far as your question i would guess that 1 super equals approx 2 large crix maybe, however that is just a guess.
2-3 a day would be okay as long as they are gutloaded properly. You may want to skip a day here and there. Don't forget to dust them as you would crickets. Just watch his poops and don't get worried if he doesn't go everyday, the older they get and slow down on eating as much, the less they go. Feed first thing in the morning so he has all day to bask and digest his food and don't feed anything late in the evening. Those silkworms will really be great for him and when you get those, depending on the size, give him quite a few at first. Once the SW start getting big, you'll want to back off to maybe 2-3 a day.
and me its surprising how many people have this same problem with there chams and seems to be mainly sub adult chams do they grow out of it ?
I think juvis get fussy. But also remember that a cham not eating for a day or two or three or even a week isn't 'bad'. Sometimes they go on hunger strike. If your cham is looking sick, be sure to feed it. If the cham seems just fine but has no interest in food, don't give him any.

300 crickets isn't very many, if you keep them clean and fed they will live for quite some time.

Don't feed too many supers and like Donna (draetish) said, feed them in the morning so the cham can digest. Too many super worms could cause impaction in smaller chams. Silkworms and Hownworms would be a good item to offer up. You might also want to consider making a Dubia roach colony.
and me its surprising how many people have this same problem with there chams and seems to be mainly sub adult chams do they grow out of it ?

I've noticed that it is mainly male panthers that have this superworm addiction. I have heard of veileds too, but mainly panthers. It's anyones guess as to why.:rolleyes:
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