how many worms?


New Member
So my little carpet Lloyd is about 5-6 months and I've never fed him any type of worm.
So far I know Wax worms are high in fat and should be treated as a snacks and superworms are great to give them?
How often should I give him super worms and is he OK to eat them now...being 5-6 months he's so frickin cute I'd hate for a super worm to eat him from the inside out ;)
thats a myth dont listen to what idiots ate petco have to say aboout it...he can eat supers, but smaller sized ones, also try pheonix and silk worms...horn worms are great treats as well as hydration....heres a link where all these van be purchesed if your an east coaster...

and this is where you can get them in your on the west side...

have fun and always feed appropite sized worms.
It is my understanding that Butterworms have % fat content not really worse than Superworms (aka Kingworms aka Zophobas) and yet are a better source of calcium (but can not be gutloaded). They are okay to use fairly often (but still not daily IMHO). I wouldnt hesitate to offer butterworms up to weekly to an adult, twice a week for young growing chameleons or those recovering from health issue weight loss.

Its waxworms that I would stay away from entirely (or use as rare treats only)
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thanks guys! I'm on the westcoast but the link above ^ shows stores FAR from where I live. The only places around here are petco's and petsmarts where apparently no one knows what they're talking about :confused:
rosiq you are still a lucky owner.... in europe there are almost nobody sells silkworms and hornworms...frekin hard to get them! :)
thanks guys! I'm on the westcoast but the link above ^ shows stores FAR from where I live. The only places around here are petco's and petsmarts where apparently no one knows what they're talking about :confused:

You can have bugs shipped to you through the mail or fedex type companies. You'll get better prices, better selection and you'll not have to visit a nasty pet store
thanks again! I'm going to look into ordering silk worms and butterworms, few more questions...what would be a good meal schedule for my little 5-6 month old carpet?
If I feed him silk worms one day, crix the next, butterworms the next, and then so forth how many silk worms/butter worms should I feed him in one day?
Would he eat the worms out of my hand? Or will he go down to the ground (as he rarely does) to eat the worms?
I am not qualified to answer questions about carpets
but perhaps you could put the worms in a cup, or on a wide branch or shelf inthe cage? Depends how fast your cham eats things up :)
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