How much can you handle your chameleon?

my veiled used to hate me. I think it was only because his cage was too small. I built him a larger one and now I can take him out whenever I want. He liked to think he's tough. He'll puff up, but once he's out of the cage he is fine. He's never actually bitten me. He just acts like he will.

Just throw on some mittens and get him out.
If you handle them all the time they'll get used to it and eventually not react but if you go away for a few days you may have to train them all over again. I only handle mine for cleaning and mating but I've seen people who constantly pet their veileds and they do calm down.

Chameleons will chew on fake leaves, newspaper and paper towel. Seems like an awful risk for impaction.
You really think its ok to just grab him? I am a little nervous because I know for sure he will bite me, at least he acts like he is going to? I will give him a few more days to relax and calm down since I just got him, then I will try. Thanks for all the help!
You really think its ok to just grab him? I am a little nervous because I know for sure he will bite me, at least he acts like he is going to? I will give him a few more days to relax and calm down since I just got him, then I will try. Thanks for all the help!

Give him so time to settle in. Jann
It wasnt posted anywhere (or I somehow missed it), is his cage a screen one?

I do use paper towels on the bottom of my cage only because she never travels down there. :)

Also my veiled does the same thing. She puffs up and hisses and will actually lunge for my hand but as soon as she realizes that I am not going to back away and that there is no where to run to she seems to calm down and "accept" that she has to be handled sometimes.

I do not handle for anything other than cleanings. I use that time to inspect her to make sure she is healthy. I do those major cleaning once every two weeks. :) Other than that she is exactly like a fish. Great analogy!
new as well to chameleon care

okay i see you all say no substrates. but what about carpet liners also for baby/young chameleons ive seen people use normal house lights and basking lights so they dont get burned. in addition to this i've also seen people using glass terrariums that have mesh openings for air flow? i have this kind of terrarium and i just wanted confirmation that this would work until it grows for an adult cage? people say its easier to keep humidity up but im worried about the air flow its an octagon shape tall and has one side plus the top all mesh.
Hey Rachel,

All chameleons are different. I have a veiled male (from the same clutch as yours) and I have handled him only to do a DEEP cage cleaning. Otherwise I avoid handling him. (because he likes to try to eat my hand) I cannot guarantee that he will ever be nice and easy to handle, but most likely he will calm down and be less aggressive.
I have a male Panther chameleon who used to run and hide and hiss as a juvenile and now he stands at the front of the cage staring at me when im in the cham room and will wait there till I come over to let him rest on his favorite perch (top of my head)
The only advise I can give you is to try to have him associate you with good things such as food, and warm mistings. Also leave him alone as much as possible these first couple days... I am sure he will acclimate quickly. You were also saying you are going to clean the cage every couple weeks. That is good, but remove the poop daily. I do it as soon as I see it on the bottom of the cage that way the feeders arent crawling around in it.

Hope this Helps!


My Nosy Faly's favorite place to perch as well!

To the OP, give him some time to adjust to his new environment and SLOWLY start trying to work with him. When you feed him make sure he see's your hand bringing the food so he can make that positive association. Once you get him hand feeding, give him a treat when you get him out so it makes it a positive experience for him. It is true that Veileds tend to be a tad more temperamental than other chameleons, individual personality also plays a big role in how they react as well.
All chams have different personalities. And when they are shipped they're especially stressed for a while. We got our female ambilobe panther like 2 months ago and she just got used to the cage and us. We just got her hand trained for food. However our ambanja panther male would stay out forever if he had a chance he's so people friendly. He loves exploring, if he isn't out for at least 30 minutes a day he gets pissy. I'm about to put a pet camera in his cage to see what he does when I'm not looking, haha. But usually once they settle in more you can get more of a feel for their real personality rather than their stressed personality.
Im new with cham. But I was told to give mine a week or two to get settled in. then I could hold her bout 4 times a week. He just has to get use to you.
My panther is friendly most of the time, sometimes he even comes TO me. My veiled... well, he is not so friendly. He some times gapes and fires up at me just for walking into the doorway of their room. With him unless i'm feeding him he'd much rather I disappear all together (Actually he'd prefer i somehow disapear and feed him at the same time, i'm sure.
Yesterday my male veiled bit he's eating from my hand! I never know what I'm going to get from him!

I handle him almost every day. Lately he's been more grumpy than usual, but it's hard to not laugh when he is reaching up to climb my face and simultaneously gaping at me.
my veiled used to hate me. I think it was only because his cage was too small. I built him a larger one and now I can take him out whenever I want. He liked to think he's tough. He'll puff up, but once he's out of the cage he is fine. He's never actually bitten me. He just acts like he will.

Just throw on some mittens and get him out.

My veiled loved that too :) I handled him since the day I got him though, but that was his choosing. Sometimes he would puff up and hiss and lung, but when I got him out of the cage he was soo happy and would perch on my chest (typical man :rolleyes: ) and my head, he'd even fall asleep there if it was dark :) I miss him. If your cham is nice enough to let you handle him whenever you want, you two will be BFFL's, no joke. They hold on to your heart like they do branches.
Yesterday my male veiled bit he's eating from my hand! I never know what I'm going to get from him!

I handle him almost every day. Lately he's been more grumpy than usual, but it's hard to not laugh when he is reaching up to climb my face and simultaneously gaping at me.

Mine would do that too! The gape n grab lol. <3
You should not handle your chameleon when not needed as it will stress it and possibly shorten its live. I had a veiled chameleon and it had a problem so we took it to the vet and it was dying because I was holding him every day for half an hour. So only handle him when you need to.
It will depend on your chameleon, my female, hates me, and i only pull her out if im going to let her sit in the window, or if i am inspecting her. My male on the other hand, is not your typical cham, at the sight of me approaching the cage he runs to the front door and clings to it, then when i open the door he jumps on too my shoulder and proceeds to claw my face trying to get to the top of my head. But he isnt typical, and veileds are usually meaner than panthers. I like the goldfish analogy...

Ahahaha! My chameleon runs to the front of the cage and climbs up my arm to my head, so I always have to lay down on the bed and make him get off. :(
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