How much super worms do I feed?


New Member
Hi I have a 1 year old panther and I was wondering how many super worms I should feed her. Especially cus she is kind of smaller than I have seen. Also what do you think is the average size of a one year old panther?
I give my 2 1/2 year old female panther 4 superworms per week, which is alternated with other feeders. I've not weighed her, but mine is quite small too, which is why I've decided not to breed her. If you can post a pic of your cham, perhaps we can help you better decide if she's too small.
Hi I have a 1 year old panther and I was wondering how many super worms I should feed her. Especially cus she is kind of smaller than I have seen. Also what do you think is the average size of a one year old panther?

up to 20% of the diet only - fewer is better

go for the most variety you can manage.
I have a male panther that's 1 yr old, I just started incorporating super worms into his diet and I am planning on giving him 2-4 a week, not more than one a day. His main diet now is large crickets (4-5 a day, sometimes skip in between) with the occasional dubia (he does not seem to like them). I still make it so that super worms are more of a treat. I came up with this routine based off what I read from sandrachameleon's guide - as she stated above, up to 20%
I give my one year old Jackson's about 3 -4 supers a week. I make sure they're well gut loaded and dust them with calcium.
Bush Baby.. what do you gutload the superworms with? what do they like? i buy my superworms from the petstore and they come in a container with bedding/ like wood shavings etc. was wondering what i could put in there that will not cause mold etc.

i gutload my crickets with Flukers cricket food, apples, sweet potatoes, carrots
Bush Baby.. what do you gutload the superworms with? what do they like? i buy my superworms from the petstore and they come in a container with bedding/ like wood shavings etc. was wondering what i could put in there that will not cause mold etc.

i gutload my crickets with Flukers cricket food, apples, sweet potatoes, carrots

Fluker's stuff is garbage. Trash it.

I also buy mine from the pet store (Petsmart to be exact) and they also come in the same bedding. I usually trash the bedding when i get them home as it starts to smell bad really fast.

For bedding..i use Repashy Bug burger! I know it's weird but i have a huge amount of this powder and use it just cover the worms up. They don't seem to mind, it doesn't smell..and maybe they're eating some of it - which is good for my cham!:)

I gutload them with carrots, collard greens and apples.
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