How often do you change your Dubia Food/Water?

Hm..Think i might join the red light district then ;)

I just use oats as thats what the guy before me used so thats what they know. Is a rubbermaid tub better than a tank?
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Im gonna try some Cricket crack MYSELF to see what all the hubub is about.. and Im not sharing with any of the insects.
I have to pick up some more myself. :D

SSimsswiSS is a forum member. At one point he was selling this excellent gutload by the LB. and really its all you need i have found out by watching my roaches and crix when its feeding time they pass up the apples carrots water crystals kale greens whatever is in there they hit the GUT LOAD!

Send him a pm see if he still makes :rolleyes:
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SSimsswiSS is a forum member. At one point he was selling this excellent gutload by the LB. and really its all you need i have found out by watching my roaches and crix when its feeding time they pass up the apples carrots water crystals kale greens whatever is in there they hit the GUT LOAD!

Send him a pm see if he still makes :rolleyes:

I buy from Steve aka SSisswiSS all the time :)
i've just started a roach colony myself. i'm hoping my geckos will eat them too, as my cricket bills are starting to climb. What is most prefered for keeping them in. i recieved mine in a plastic sterilite container, but i do have a couple of empty 10gs i could use. Does it make a difference? Also, does it make a difference whether the heat source comes form the top or the bottom? i don't have a heat mat with the plastic container but have a ceramic heater on top. if i switch to a 10g, i would have a heat mat on the bottom too. and one more question. how big are the babies? i've had the colony for two weeks and keep checking but so far haven't seen any little ones. just wondering how small a think i'm looking for.
Both a ceramic heater or a heating mat was recommended to me. I can't offer first hand experience, but it seems that if as long as the temps are high, no matter from what source, they do their thing.

Probably gonna get a colony going myself soon. This thread among others and talking to people first hand has sold me on roaches.
Got my first 10 from Steve. EWWW doesn't begin to describe them. It is going to take me awhile to adjust to how big they are. Looks like something you'd have to shoot with a gun in order to kill.

That said, I'm going to start with some kale, cricket crack, kibble and water crystals. Since I am developing a breeding colony I guess the dog food is ok for the protein. I will put the feeders into another bin and "gut load" with veggies when it is time.

Are you sure they can't fly and climb? Do they bite? Their poop seems to be dry black pellets, rather easy to clean I would think. Do adult chams eat the adult roaches?

Hey chambabysitter1, they are as long and wide as your thumb!
Dubias so not climb or fly. They may flutter their wings but I havent seen it.

I still wont use Dog food.. Maybe I suppose for a breeder colony, but thats it. I do not segregate my breeders though. Like I said, they are happy. Saw some more roach lovin going on last night.

They dont bite. I find a free roamer that escaped from the cage here and there..scoop em up and put back in tank or cage. At first I was like you Boca..I couldnt go near the large one.. The little ones are like rolypolys and dont bother me..but the big ones.. They cling to you and move fast.. But I just dealt with it.. and now I dont mind them so much as I know they are "dirty" roaches and I voluntarily have them in my home..they still freak me out in large numbers however.

Oh and I have seen adults eat adults. OSmeone say that means lack of prtoein. From what Ive gather and observed (and this is just in my colony), males will eat the other males wings as territorial over a female.
Dubias so not climb or fly. They may flutter their wings but I havent seen it.

I still wont use Dog food.. Maybe I suppose for a breeder colony, but thats it. I do not segregate my breeders though. Like I said, they are happy. Saw some more roach lovin going on last night.

They dont bite. I find a free roamer that escaped from the cage here and there..scoop em up and put back in tank or cage. At first I was like you Boca..I couldnt go near the large one.. The little ones are like rolypolys and dont bother me..but the big ones.. They cling to you and move fast.. But I just dealt with it.. and now I dont mind them so much as I know they are "dirty" roaches and I voluntarily have them in my home..they still freak me out in large numbers however.

Oh and I have seen adults eat adults. OSmeone say that means lack of prtoein. From what Ive gather and observed (and this is just in my colony), males will eat the other males wings as territorial over a female.

I won't use dog food either
If you can't make the gutloads from then a high quality chicken mash can be bought at a livestock feed store for pretty cheap. This has lots of protien. I know a breeder who uses monkey chow as a staple with great success.

Bee pollen also has a good amount of protein and other nutrients, I'd highly suggest using that.

You can also use some powder from the simpler protein shakes from health food stores.
I got my first group of dubias as well (thanks Brian!) and the breeders are on dog food, and a good amount of little ones on cricket crack...

I also neve see them eating and the food is not going down... funny is that the water crystals are not going down as well??
I use only oragnix fruits an veggies and you can see quite a bit gone in the AM with little bite marks out of them. I vary. Banana one night, cantaloupe, apple, orange, Kale, Spinach leaves, carrots.. Rotate something different everyday. Usually scraps left over from kids snacks or veggies from dinner.

I dont know.>Dog food. I just wouldnt want that into my cham. Like I said, a breeder than isnt being directly fed, I suppose, but not the ones that are walking to green mile.. Just me though..
Protein powder sounds good. I have some of that from the health food store. I shall try and mix some in with the crick crax and see what happens.
I have mine with no substrate. I put the food in shallow dishes.

This is my method also.
Change "wet" food like fruits and veg daily, if anything is left.

Note: dont use dog food, cat food, fish food or similar in teh 48hours before you feed roaches off to the chameleon.

Clean roach bin monthly - not because it stinks but because I think poop is gross.
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