How often do you guys


New Member
Feed other things besides crickets (mealworms, super worms, silkworms, waxworms, etc.)

What else besides crickets and fruit flies can be a staple diet? Or given more often with crickets.

My little guy doesn't seem too keen for crickets. At first I thought he was just a slower eater he like waited for them to go to him he had no real care to get them fast, like I normally see them do. The slow eating theory went away when I watched him gobble up his super worms as if he was starving or never going to have them again, it was nuts like a normal Cham would do. And didn't even bother to try eating a mealworm from me. (Which I know those 2 should be only occasionally) so what else can be given with crickets as a staple?


Oh! PS it's for a male ambilobe panther about 4 months old.
I feed a variety of insects on a regular basis. No one feeder makes up more than about 30% of their diet.

I use dubia roaches, silk worms, hornwroms, butter worms, stick insects, snails, terrestrial isopods, superworms, silk moths, hornworm moths, and the occasional wax worm or blue bottle fly.
Hi!! I have a 4 month old panther too! Dubia roaches are a great staple. My guy gets the following variety everyday: 4-5 Dubia , 3-5 crickets, a couple of zebra silk worms, a super worm (every few days) and whatever he catches while he hangs out in the miniature apple tree in my backyard. Somedays he eats more, some days less...
I have feeder other reptiles some crazy things, but I am not good with roaches and everything I read is roaches! Ahh. Guess I'll have to get used to it. I never had to get used to it with my beardies cause they had such a larger variety of things.

Thanks for everyone's input and I really like your schedule! I may steel that and find something to replace crickets. Where do you get those feeders? Since I no longer work at my little reptile shop I haven't found any anywhere else!

I know some are treats only like super worms, mealworms, waxworms, butterworms. Do you still feed those daily with the rest of your stuff and he's fine with it? I'm just worried about giving too many "treats"
I buy all of my stuff online. I have purchased a few praying mantis egg pods from calloways which is a plant nursery where I live! Check out the ones near you! A ton of them sell insects that you can release in your backyard to control pesky insects!
I'm in houston if anyone knows a place that sells these feeder insects. I'm weird when it comes to online stuff lol.
I have a place for crickets and super worms! Just not silkworms, roaches, etc. I think petsmart or petco has waxworms but I don't go there unless I absolutely need to.
not only for my cham but my feeder order today consisted of wax worms, phoenix worms, butter worms, wax worms, horn worms, silk worms, super worms, and i currently have dubia, crickets, bean weevil and crickets ahead of time. he is also a 4 month old. Plan to breed silks and horns, and if it isnt too overwhelming going to start a colony of isopods from my backyard.

as for your picky eater problem what do you gutload with, maybe change it up so they taste different?
I, for now, am gut loading with some orange stuff from petsmart. NOT my first choice at all! but over the weekend I'll start to make some. At the store I used to work at we used this awesome premade gelly type green feeder that smelled really good, which as an added bonus helped the smell of crickets! But my boss ordered it online in a huge tub and I can't remember what it was though.
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