How often do you see one of these?


Established Member
I walk into my garage later today and found her...just came out of her cocoon. I had six, but two died, can't wait to see the others pop out!... IMG_3213.jpg


WOW!!! That's crazy cool. My youngest son wouldn't have so freaked out.. ha ha...he would have come running to Mommy!!!!
i saw a few in my life. one in NC and last year on a fence by school. beautiful arnt they ^^
Never in california!

Sometimes they wont breed with sibling moths. Often times, the moths do not hatch close enough together for them to breed as well.
Any luck breeding these guys yet? Also can you feed off the caterpillars before they pupate? They resemble a fatter hornworm is why Im asking.
Any luck breeding these guys yet? Also can you feed off the caterpillars before they pupate? They resemble a fatter hornworm is why Im asking.

Well, look what I found stuck to the inside of the cage two days ago... IMG_0009_1.jpg

IMG_0007_2.jpg ...I still have two more cocoons to pop out.
Keep us updated. I had some other american silkmoths that laid eggs, but they weren't any good :(
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