How often to feed a 10 month?


New Member
My male veiled chameleon is probably around 9 months old now. I got him this past July and he was about 3 months old then. I am just wondering how often I should feed him, and how much to feed him. I've been mainly feeding him crickets with some mealworms occasionally.
probably should change up the menu on him to keep him happy, meal worms are not digested well and offer little nutrition. 10-15 well gut loaded crickets a day should be enough for a growing veiled, I'm sure he could eat more, i know its not the easiest task but getting ahold of some smaller hornworms, medium dubias, various mantids, and silk worms, and occasional superworms. Keeping a variety of healthy/gut loaded feeders is key for a happy healthy cham. Starting a dubia colony is not a bad idea if you want to have a unlimited supply of a staple feeder.
I just started a colony of dubia's, and let me tell you - MUCH better to keep than crickets. Although I do still provide crickets (in addition to supers, silkies, horworms, the occasional meal worm, etc.), dubia's have now become about 40% of his diet. I would highly recommend trying to start a colony - you will never need to purchase them again as they breed and provide a constant source of feeders.

Okay, that was a little OT, but wanted to add :)
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