how often to set fogger on timer?


New Member
my buddy gave me a zoomed fogger. how often would u run it and how long? and is that capable of hydrating my chameleon or must i also mist. i was thinking having it on 15 mins out of every hour. my humidity is at 20% without it
I keep mine on all the time. Ive heard not to do it but it helps a lot with humidity. What you can do to keep humidity up is put plastic or a shower curtain around the cage. That's what I did and humidity stays at 70 for me :).
thanks ill do that curtain but im not down to have it on all day thats to much stress on the machine. any of u got a schedule on fogg times?
its a 3 month vieled. also can since dust doesnt stick to worms. can i put worms in a bowl of dust food and just place in the cage? and also i heard that vieled cameleons dont need that much water and actually store water in the crest (cone) of their heads. is that true?
its a 3 month vieled. also can since dust doesnt stick to worms. can i put worms in a bowl of dust food and just place in the cage? and also i heard that vieled cameleons dont need that much water and actually store water in the crest (cone) of their heads. is that true?

You may have worms in a cup and lightly dust them. That said, what worms do you feed your chameleon? Butter worms, hornworms and silkworms don't thrive in cups, especially if you dust them, they may die off and not being eaten. Superworms and mealworms you can keep in a cup for a while, especially with something to provide nutrients and moisture (I use carrots). In any case, don't feed mealworms too often, they tend to be too fat and unhealthy for your chameleon if fed too frequently.

Regarding water, even though veileds don't require as much water than other species, I recommend to provide them with water on a daily basis. Worst thing that can happen is that they will not drink - much better than risking dehydration!
my buddy breeds superworms and beetles. but the beetles are to big so i only feed with the superworms, im kind of lazy and dont want to get other insects..needless to say he will only be eating superworms for the next few months...
my buddy breeds superworms and beetles. but the beetles are to big so i only feed with the superworms, im kind of lazy and dont want to get other insects..needless to say he will only be eating superworms for the next few months...

But that is like you having to eat hamburgers every day. You both want and need a more varied diet and so does your chameleon.
my buddy breeds superworms and beetles. but the beetles are to big so i only feed with the superworms, im kind of lazy and dont want to get other insects..needless to say he will only be eating superworms for the next few months...

Honestly your chameleon diet is not something you should approach lazily. An adequate diet is essential to allow proper growth and to avoid several metabolic diseases. The last thing you want is to end up with a sick animal because you were lazy...

I really think you should offer your chameleon a varied diet, since using only one feeder cannot provide adequate nutrition, especially for a growing baby. Minimally, I would complement superworms with crickets and Phoenix worms, that are rich in calcium. In any case, if you want to rely on superworms as main feeder, you should make sure to gutload them very well.
whats the worst that can happen?

There are several metabolic diseases, including MBD (metabolic bone disease) and avitaminoses. You can check out the health clinic forum to get an idea of all of the possible issues that a poor diet can cause.
whats the worst that can happen?
Much like us, they'll get incredibly unhealthy.

Unlike us, they won't get obese and live normal lifestyles, your chameleons will most likely develope MBD due to the lack of calcium and other important nurtients the diet you're giving them would be lacking, become deformed, and likely, die.

Don't be lazy, get variety, gotload properly, powder properly, etc.
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