how often?


New Member
So,I've been wondering for awhile now.I've been feeding "Kinky" everyday for awhile.I have heard they eat better if you feed them every other day.I have a varied diet but she loves crickets!So,is it really better to wait a day in between feedings or continue as I doing?

BTW:today she ate the most I've every seen her eat by far!:cool:
Depends how old /(size) of your animal. Young chameleons appear to grow at a phenomal rate.
This can be cause for concern, since bones need to develop at an equal rate.
For the most part young chams cant eat enough, however, not all at once. I personally recommend allowing the animal to hunt free running bugs. This way the food is spread out some, as it would be in nature.
Folk here will give you numbers/size of feeders based on their experience.
UV is crucial to ensuring the uptake of calcium D3 for strong bones to match your animals growth rate.
Its a balancing act. Staggering feeds, Ie feed today, tomorrow, miss a day, etc works well for me, keeping in mind mine is now 6 months old. They do slow food intake as they mature.

Note: babies are probly best fed small amounts daily, the smaller the cham, the more prone to dehydration. They get much moisture from food aswell, so regular but controlled intake for juveniles is probly good. Water should always be avail during waking hrs.
Well shes not a young one (about 5 months)but she is small.I have had her for 4 months now and today for the first time she ate more than 5(she ate over 20).So,is she too old or is it too late to let eat this much or can I give them to her as she wants still?I'm hoping she will catch up and finally grow some.
Wow, I just read that too fast and had a "wth momment". hehe:eek:

I thought it said : "I have been feeling "kinky" everyday for a while....":confused::D

On a serious note: It really depends on the age of the animal, youngsters shoud be fed daily, since they are growing, but still controled feedings to prevent development problems. Obviously when they reach mature size the food can be cut back. How old and what species do you have?

Wow, I just read that too fast and had a "wth momment". hehe:eek:

I thought it said : "I have been feeling "kinky" everyday for a while....":confused::D

On a serious note: It really depends on the age of the animal, youngsters shoud be fed daily, since they are growing, but still controled feedings to prevent development problems. Obviously when they reach mature size the food can be cut back. How old and what species do you have?


LOL "feeling her" I just had to laugh

She is about 5 months old Ambilobe/Tamative cross
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