how old does my cham look?


New Member
i got her for a week now i believe :D


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Hi! Yes I would say around 2 months also.

Since you have a female you say, are you aware that females require different care to males?

They can produce eggs without being mated and require cooler temps than the males.

I can link you to a couple of great sources on here if you would like?
that would be great for you to link some sources :D but can you tell me some main things that i need to know? :D

Females Should have a decent sized laying bin available at all times when they get old enough to lay (5ish months) some females will have a colour change when they have eggs but not all will, regular weighing can be a good indicator of pregnancy. When they lay they need total privacy.

If you want to slow down egg production which will prolong her life, you should keep her temps 80-83 maximum and cut down on food at about 5 months. A good diet for a female is 1-3 bugs a day or 2-6 every other day. Since you have a veiled you can offer her fruit veg a d leafy greens.

Egg production takes a lot of calcium from the female so be sure to give her a boost after she has laid. Also at this time you can feed her more cause she'll be hungry! You should taper off after 3-4 days and resume normal schedule.
The girls really like to drink so provide lots of drinking ops by a dropper and misting regularly (you should do this for all chameleons anyway)

Here's the links!
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