How Old is Kahl Drogo?

Welcome to the forums. This is a great place to learn about chameleons. My guess would be Drogo is about 3 months old. The spots on his nose should come off with some nice warm mistings. They could be coming from your water or from over supplementing. I'd recommend filling out the Ask For Help form so we can make sure you are doing everything correct for your little guy. I'm also attaching my blog for new keepers below.
Thanks jannb for your guess! Sorry I didn't reply sooner, I've been away from my computer.

Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Veiled, male, approx 3 months, I've had him for almost a week.
Handling - Only when necessary.
Feeding - Calcium gutloaded crickets (calcium cricket quencher) 8-10 a day (4-5 in morning, 4-5 evening) I've also tried a meal worm every other day, but he doesn't seem to like them.
Supplements - Fluker's Calcium with D3 (Once already) plan to every two weeks. Vitamins once a month.
Watering - 5 min hand pump mist in the morning. Mister set for 1 min ever 3 hours until evening. Last 5 min mist at 11 pm before lights out.
Fecal Description - No parasite testing. Feces is white and brown (normal)

Cage Info:
Cage Type - 10gal glass tank with screened top while I build his enclosure (I know this is a no-no but his new enclosure should be finished by Sunday *fingers crossed* )
Lighting - UVB - RepiSun 5.0 Basking 60w household bulb Lights on a 11 am Lights off at 11 pm
Temperature - Basking temp stays around 90ish(temp gun). Overall temp around 80. I have a sticky thermometer on the back wall. Night temp will drop to around 73-75.
Humidity - Humidity stays around 65 (measured by two seperate hygrometers) but will periodically drop to 40. I will warm mist to bring humidity back up.
Plants - Currently moss only, but will have live trees (ficus etc.) once new enclosure is ready.
Placement - corner of my bedroom, no vent, no fan, very low traffic (only myself) top of cage at approx. 5 ft.
Location - Mid-Mississippi

He has repetitively had salt spots come up (They come off with his mistings thanks jannb again!) I also have a difficult time keeping his humidity level consistent.
Thanks jannb for your guess! Sorry I didn't reply sooner, I've been away from my computer.

Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Veiled, male, approx 3 months, I've had him for almost a week.
Handling - Only when necessary.
Feeding - Calcium gutloaded crickets (calcium cricket quencher) 8-10 a day (4-5 in morning, 4-5 evening) I've also tried a meal worm every other day, but he doesn't seem to like them.
Supplements - Fluker's Calcium with D3 (Once already) plan to every two weeks. Vitamins once a month.
Watering - 5 min hand pump mist in the morning. Mister set for 1 min ever 3 hours until evening. Last 5 min mist at 11 pm before lights out.
Fecal Description - No parasite testing. Feces is white and brown (normal)

Cage Info:
Cage Type - 10gal glass tank with screened top while I build his enclosure (I know this is a no-no but his new enclosure should be finished by Sunday *fingers crossed* )
Lighting - UVB - RepiSun 5.0 Basking 60w household bulb Lights on a 11 am Lights off at 11 pm
Temperature - Basking temp stays around 90ish(temp gun). Overall temp around 80. I have a sticky thermometer on the back wall. Night temp will drop to around 73-75.
Humidity - Humidity stays around 65 (measured by two seperate hygrometers) but will periodically drop to 40. I will warm mist to bring humidity back up.
Plants - Currently moss only, but will have live trees (ficus etc.) once new enclosure is ready.
Placement - corner of my bedroom, no vent, no fan, very low traffic (only myself) top of cage at approx. 5 ft.
Location - Mid-Mississippi

He has repetitively had salt spots come up (They come off with his mistings thanks jannb again!) I also have a difficult time keeping his humidity level consistent.

All I can see is the cricket quencher sucks, gut load with calcium rich veggies and fruits as well and you will need a plain calcium supplement for every feeding
I went to the pet store today, and the only supplements they had contained D3. Where can I get the plain calcium? And I also will put romaine lettuce, carrots and orange pieces in with the crickets. Any other important/needed veggies?
Collard greens, mustard greens, dandelion greens, endive, escarole, carrots, squash, sweet pepers, yams, sweet potatoes, strawberries, oranges, raspberries, papaya, etc. are good choices for gutloading. Pick a few each week and get new ones each week or you can buy a bunch and blend them together to make ice cubes.

Calcium can be bought online or you can use ground up cuttle bone/plain human calcium.
GAME OF THRONES!!! I loooove his name! I've been wanting to name one of my Chameleons or Geckos Targaryen. I keep deciding against it, I'm afraid people won't be able to pronounce it. Sadly I don't have any females.. : (

So no Khaleesi for me.
Tyrion is a good enough name for ANY chameleon :) Absolutely love the name, those above me have given any suggestions that I might have, so I figured I would comment on your excellent job of naming!
I would not have the mister go off right before the lights go out. That is going to keep the cage damp and with the lights out it will not dry out as fast. Also, I would set your timer to have the lights go on with sun up, sun down, or close to it anyways. Why are you having them come on so late, and go off so late?. That does not seem like a natural cycle. Also, NO moss in the enclosure. It can be injested by your chameleon and could be fatal to him.
Thank you everyone for all the advice! I will adhere to it the best of my abilities! As for the late lights on/off, it has just been the times I had fallen into making sure his UVB light was on, no particular reason. But you made a good point....never even looked at it that way, and I'll start earlier tomorrow! :) Just took the moss out as well (I had wondered about it). A friend suggested it to help with keeping the humidity up, but the past two days I've been able to keep it specifically between 60 - 70% without any problems.

As for his name - Thanks, haha! I am absolutely obsessed with The Song of Ice and Fire books! I'm in the middle of the 4th book and have yet to find a character than can hold a flame to the way I loved Kahl Drogo. I think it really fits my cham's personality well, too. He seems to think he is royalty! And all of my friends have asked me "What about a Kahleesi?" I just tell them I'm trying so hard to keep a male happy right now, that we'll worry about a Kahleesi whenever I prove I can handle the Kahl!
GAME OF THRONES!!! I loooove his name! I've been wanting to name one of my Chameleons or Geckos Targaryen. I keep deciding against it, I'm afraid people won't be able to pronounce it. Sadly I don't have any females.. : (

So no Khaleesi for me.

Nobody can ever pronounce my animals names, no matter how many times I tell them haha! and I don't care!

I have Calais, Jahzyra, and Xerxes Kei, and I have named animals Nayeli, ananya, Eirian, pepin, and Phineas
Glad you are willing to make the changes. There was just a member on another thread whose chameleon ate moss and died. I would hate to see something like that happen to yours. It may never, but you always want to be safe than sorry ya know..
I am just grateful there is somewhere like this forum where I can run as soon as I wonder about something! Like I said, I'm new to chameleons and I try hard to heed what everyone says!
Collard greens, mustard greens, dandelion greens, endive, escarole, carrots, squash, sweet pepers, yams, sweet potatoes, strawberries, oranges, raspberries, papaya, etc. are good choices for gutloading. Pick a few each week and get new ones each week or you can buy a bunch and blend them together to make ice cubes.

Calcium can be bought online or you can use ground up cuttle bone/plain human calcium.

Hi, I'm intrigued by the ice cube idea, does it present problems with keeping the cricket enclosure clean?
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