how old ???

For you or the chameleon?

lol, Most breeders wont sell them til three months old. If you dont mind not watching one grow up, a sub-adult or adult would probably be your best bet. They may cost more initially, but you wont have to buy any more cages. With a baby/juvenile, you will have to buy a cage/s once they grow out of them.
I was serious:eek:
Yes 3 months for a cham is usually considered acceptable.
No age limit on humans:rolleyes:Just in case that was the question.;)
You just need to be responsible!
I was serious:eek:
Yes 3 months for a cham is usually considered acceptable.
No age limit on humans:rolleyes:Just in case that was the question.;)
You just need to be responsible!

Im sorry Stan :( I have a hard time assuming seriousness and sarcasm through text, so I just assume sarcasm more often than not:p
Well I added the :p to make it sound like I wasnt retarded:p<---See how it works!:)
I just honestly couldnt decide what was meant by the question, and just wanted to give an appropriate answer.
No offense taken or anything like that! Im just retarded:p
i would go for a cham that is on at least 1/4 crcikets it makes things alot easier also some petstore do not keep pinheads and smaller crickets in stock witch could make getting food a pain
Well I added the :p to make it sound like I wasnt retarded:p<---See how it works!:)
I just honestly couldnt decide what was meant by the question, and just wanted to give an appropriate answer.
No offense taken or anything like that! Im just retarded:p

Solid is a good guy! :D
personally i'd say depends on the size of cage, responsibility and well if you want to get a bunch on pinheads :p what size cage do you have?
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