How Spoiled is too Spoiled?


New Member
So my husband watched yesterday how Waldo and Kayla will not in hunt to save their lives. He watched as both of them sat waiting for me. Waldo waited at the top vine and as soon as he seen me open the cage, he rushed down and snatched all of his food off my hand. Kayla waits up top of her cage and picks all food out of my hand too. My beardie will only eat out of my hand too..

They ALL have feed cups, but will refuse to eat out of them. They Waldo and Kayla has started coming down and drinking off the spray noozle (hand mist). Beardie wont drink unless I put him under the sink.

My husband shakes his head and says that I have spoiled the heck out of them...
As much fun as it is you should get them to eat other ways occasionally. What if you go away and aren't able to be there to feed them. Will your sitter have the time and even more important will the animals eat from someone else's hand.

I would LOVE to spoil mine that much..:D But she refuses to even get close to my hand even though I got her favourite mealworms in my hand.. :(
My guyz seem to know that I will make feeding easy for them, and they wont have to hunt it down.

I do make sure they don't get too lazy though.

The ones who don't have a crick feeder (Sunny D' Death Trap) I put the cricks in a plastic box, an lay it on one of the branches, so the cricks climb out, and onto the branches w/o falling to the floor.

And I always hand or cup feed dubias because I don't like the idea of any escaping!

They know they don't have to put much effort into getting food, and they also know that I will always give in to their begging to come out :rolleyes:

They all have their own tactics, Squee will look all disinterested, then when I open the door to feed him, he is up my arm and on my shoulder in a heartbeat!!

I sometimes have to wait for the right moment to open the door, quick, dump the food in, and close the door. :eek:
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