How Stressed Is Too Stressed


New Member
Hello all,

My Jacksons was recently diagnosed with parasites and I am too give him medicine by mouth for the next two weeks (off and on). I know giving him the meds stresses him out, but in the little time I take to give them, is that enough to cause damage down the road?

So the main question I'm asking is,

Is it the AMOUNT of times he is stressed that causes damage
is it HOW LONG he's stressed for that causes damage?
I'm sure the med regiment will be stressful, but it is a necessity. Try keeping him extra quiet during those two weeks and only handle him for the medication. Then give him a week or two after the meds are over to settle down with extremely limited interaction.

The girl I have right now needs to be on two different meds twice a day, have her eyes messed with a couple times a day, and be force fed for food and water :(. I hope your Jax has a speedy recovery and doesn't take the medication top hard.
Thank you, and yes I do try and keep the handling to an absolute minimum, only when it is necessary.

Other than him getting upset over the meds, as soon as I am done giving him them he snaps right back into his normal, active self.
Duplicate post (sorry) but I'll utilize it as a response :D

I'm not very experienced with chameleons, but I do know that the parasites will do much more harm in the long run than the meds will for two weeks. It doesn't seem to phase him too much from your description. You can also try to make a positive association with meds, feed him afterwards to help take his mind off it. That could also be a good gauge on how stressed he is, most animals won't eat if they're dressed out.
Jax obviously are one of the chams that despise handling. My recommendation would be to medicate as needed, then let him be for a month or so afterwards. Upon administering the last dose, make sure his cage is completely clean and ready. Let him do his thing by himself for a while.
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