How to clean plants

What type of potting soil do I use to Repot the plants? I have the Umbellas plant and the Pothos plant in my cage. How to I clean the plants off for parasites?:confused:

I use100% Organic soil, As far as parasites you can spray the plant off good and make sure their is not any fecal matter left on the leaves.
Using a dripper and a mistking really overwatered my plants. So I decided to use bonsai organic soil. The water drains through the soil better.
I use orchid mix soil from OSH and I add sand to the dirt so the water drains easily. I break up the root ball and then take the plant to the bathtub... i fill the tub with water and some dish soap... but I am told this can leave a residue.... but I rinse the plant really well and then repot.
I use a large bucket, fill with soapy water, dunk/wash plant, then rinse very well, then repot in organic soil.
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