How to feed crickets to jackson's

I would like to know what is the most efficient way to feed crickets to my guy wentzy. He has a large umbrella plant in the cage and usually will not see the crickets unless the crawl up the screen. Should i remove the plang during feeding to improve sight lines? I would like to keep the feedinv of crickets free range since i hand feed him super worms occasionally.
It might be a hassle to remove the plant everytime, especially if you have branches and vines that are intertwined with the plant. You could always cup feed.
They have to hunt for it in nature, why worry about him finding food in captivity? They are awesome hunters so he will find prey if he needs it. Just don't keep adding food if he didnt finish his previous meal for the most part.
Jacksonii doesn't eat as much as veilds or panthers and you don't want to have to many feeders loose in the enclosure.

If you worry anyways you can try cup feeding instead of free range, then he only needs to discover where the food will be and go to it every time.
If you are worried about nibbling leave something like an orange slice at the bottom of the cage, somewhere safe from direct spray, crickets prefer their normal food than live and moving reptiles. Also it's better to feed less than they need and have them eat it all, than have them not eat near enough of the crickets and then worry about being eaten.
If you cup feed, some crickets will jump out so they can be hunted. Most will stay in the cup, so you will know he is eating. Don't remove the plant, and also add hand-feeding.


My little guy i dont think has discoverd his feeding area, however my female vield will sit by her cup every morning lol
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