How to feed your chameleon?


My chameleon is pretty young and i dontk now her age... I bought crickets but she does not even touch her food, maybe they are too big? whenever i open the cage crickets just start jumping out and its really annoying, should i start feeding it meal worms? If i do, is it ok if i feed it meal worms only?
The crickets should not be any bigger then length between her eyes. That's usually the rule of thumb! And about 8-12 crickets is a good amount for when there babies. When they get older you will want to cut back.

How often do you feed your chameleon? And how many are you putting in there if there always jumping out of the cage?
In youtube videos the crickets are in a bowl/cup thingy and there are tons of them, they are not jumping out and chameleon just stikc their toungue in there start eating them
Try to spice up her diet with as much as possible at a young age(don't stop as she's older) but that's what I did cause she only ate crickets but now she is older and comes to me and waits on me for food she eats many other things. I hate crickets and that's all she would eat and now I don't have anymore. She eats silkworms and a couple different roach species as a staple and lots of other treats. As she got use to me and her surroundings she opened up more and more to anything moving!
Try to spice up her diet with as much as possible at a young age(don't stop as she's older) but that's what I did cause she only ate crickets but now she is older and comes to me and waits on me for food she eats many other things. I hate crickets and that's all she would eat and now I don't have anymore. She eats silkworms and a couple different roach species as a staple and lots of other treats. As she got use to me and her surroundings she opened up more and more to anything moving!
what do u mean spice up her diet
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