how to get hormworm eggs without releasing moths into house?

I have 6 moths and can see eggs in the cage. How do I get the eggs out without releasing the moths into my house? This is my first try at breeding them.
Thanks for any tips. :eek:
All the moths I've had were only active at night. They didn't move/fly around at all during the day. I could even pick them up gently and they wouldn't fly. So just get the eggs out when there's lots of light!

put the mated female in a lg paper bag. she can lay her eggs in there. give her a new bag the next day she may lay more. you then can cut the paper where the eggs are and put them in a seperate container. this way you don't harm the eggs trying to pick them off the cage
I just open the cage and collect eggs during the day. The moths don't fly at daytime. The eggs are pretty sturdy. You can easily collect them and then put with food. I make deli cup pods like you buy online and put the eggs on the cup lid then leave them to hatch and grow.

Not sure about putting the moth in a bag, they get pretty upset with that. Just leave a plant in the cage for them to lay eggs on. Tomato plants tend to yield the most eggs.
Woo! Congrats! I've never had success with hornworms... Only silk worms! Congrats! Pics are always appreciated!
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