I have a new Yemen chameleon male - an experienced two year old who has successfully produced offspring - and I tried to introduce him to my female, but all she does is putting a lot of effort into hissing and puffing up and getting black & unfriendly colours, and she keeps this behaviour up for like up to an hour, until I remove the new male from her sight. I have tried every day for a week with the same result. Once I let him walk into her vivarium and she attacked him, tried to bite, so I took him out again immediately. She only needs to see him from far to get into this aggressive mode. What shall I do? - I want to try breeding and have already bought all the equipment. With my previous male (now deceased) who was very sick and never mated her (she laid 84 unfertilized eggs which soon started rotting) she was friendly. They shared a viv and slept side by side and crawled over each other, without any aggression. How can I make my girl "Lizzie" to like my new boy "Sherlock"? They are about the same size, around 200g in weight and both strong and healthy.