how to keep hudmity up in a screen cage?


New Member
i have a 2x2x4 screen cage, i also have a couple live plants in there too. i have a humidifier but i dont know if its helping . i have a humity and temp gage but it i dont think its in the best place. oh and i have a 4 in female veiled cham.
ANOTHER QUESTION how do you guys hang vines and put branches suspending in air in a screen cage ? i used super glue to put the vines up.
You can put shower curtain cut to size around the back and sides leave the door and roof free for ventilation and I used zipties to keep my vines in place just get the thin ones so u don't damage the screen much :)
For humidity you can cover the sides and even the back if needed with plastic. Many options to hang stuff,some put eye hooks into the screen trim pieces and others use small wire ties through the screen,thumb tacs through the screen, I use a pvc pipe shaped like a h sitting on top the cage and put eye hooks through the top screen and then into the pvc pipe and it will hold plants,vines etc. go to the cage/enclosure forum and you can get lots of ideas. good luck !!!:cool:
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