How to make Chameleon drink

To kinyonga
There are 34 eggs in this times, but ten eggs are infertile(They look like smaller and softer than the others.
Yes , she dug a hole and then buried it after she laid.
I have had her since 28th July. I didn't know how old was her when I bought. But I believe that she is less than one year old. Yes I have known that choose female Chameleon more than one year old to mate up as well. It is coincidence.
I will remember this lesson

To dodolah

"bu2 shi4... "????? I trust this is a joke too. What mean it?

I will try to make it this weekend.
lol.. never mind, DNA..
i don't know how to write hanzi using this forum.. so i was trying to use pinyin.

hahaha enjoy your drink.
Tell me if the drink turn out to be good.. i might try it too.
DNA...are the eyes still sunken in? Is she eating? Drinking?

After a chameleon lays eggs, she should be hungry and drink and her eyes should not be sunken in. If this happens the chameleon likely has something wrong with her to do with laying the eggs. If this is so, she should be taken to a vetrinarian.

(What's your main language?)
To dodolah
Oh gosh! Have you studied Chinese? It is great!
To kinyonga
Yes! the eyes still sunken in. She didn't eat anything on her own initiative yet. I still use my method to make her eat. And I only sprayed 10 mints because of my room is in flood. I think she have not drunk yet.
In China, there is not vetrinarian for Chameleon. only for dogs and cats.
Today,I bring a bad message. The female chameleon has died. This week, I have been forced her eating and drinking. I swathed ZOOMED's REPTIVIT(vitamins) on crickets, and I put ZOOMED's REPTISAFE in the water. But she still has gone without feelings.
I anatomised after she had died ( I will post the pictures tomorrow). I have never discovered something wrong. I found dejecta and cricket I fed out. So I think her digestive system is ok.
Why she didn't eat anything after she laid? she had ate yet before she laid.
I am so sorry for your loss DNA!!! It is most likely a problem or infection due to the egg laying. I doubt if there was anything you could have done if there isn't a reptile vet in China. I'm so sorry. David
Hi dectr6
I am glad to receive your reply. It is heartrending to me. She is very cute when she was alive. I don't hope this to happen again. How to avoid it to happen again?
I have never checked with any teacher lecturer. I don't believe that there are any expert at Chameleon in China. I am not able to find out even if there is one or two experts. Otherwise, She took an abrupt departure and I had been feeding with crickets and water everyday. She had defecated sometimes. so I didn't know she was to die.
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It is most likely a problem or infection due to the egg laying.

Sorry I don't undersand this sentence.
Which is most likely a problem? Chameleon don't eat and drink after lay, or Chameleon will die after lay?

infection due to the egg laying= she was infecting when she laid?
( I am so sorry for my poor English):(

Sorry for your loss. You tried everything you could to save her though. I hope you don't give up on chameleons and can show us some nice baby pictures in 7 or 8 months! Actually, I would be very interested in hearing about the chameleon hobby in Beijing and hope you continue to post here. I know this is not the best place to ask, but would you consider writing a short introduction about yourself and telling us about what kind of chameleons you see for sale in China, in another thread? It would be great if we had more members from around the world here. Once again, sorry your female didn't survive.

Edit: I've been keeping these great little lizards for a long time, and I had no idea there was a Chameleon drink until now. Has anyone actually tried it yet?
DNA, I just mean that the reason she died probably was caused by the egg laying. Lots of things can go wrong that you may or may not have any control over. When we have a problem with our chameleons, we can take them to the vet, you don't have anyone to help you except the advice you get on here. Does that make any sense now? I too would like to hear more about you. We don't get to talk to other chameleon owners from China and what kind of chameleons you can get there. Where and how did you get your chameleon? Thanks again and sorry about your chameleon. David
So sorry to hear that you lost your female. Its always sad to lose a pet.

You said..."I anatomised after she had died ( I will post the pictures tomorrow). I have never discovered something wrong"...did she have any eggs inside her?

Did your chameleon show any signs of MBD before she died? Can you post some pictures of her that you took of her before she died?
Thank you for reply everybody.

To hairfarm67
Yes, I will go on keeping Chameleon. There are nine chameleons in my home except her. My goal is build a farm for Chameleons.:D

To dectr6
I just don't want to watch it happen again. I just want to find out why it will happen? My UVB is bad? or the cricket is ill? or the temperature is cool?

To kinyonga
There is not any egg inside her. You will see in the picture.
I think that she is not caught Metabolic Bone Disease. because of all (UVB,Vitm,cal) are the bast.
Do you only keep panthers? Do you ever see any rare species of chameleons in the reptile stores there? Is much being bred there other than panthers and veileds?

Thanks for sharing and hope you stick around! I have 9 chameleons too :)
Do you only keep panthers? Do you ever see any rare species of chameleons in the reptile stores there? Is much being bred there other than panthers and veileds?

Thanks for sharing and hope you stick around! I have 9 chameleons too :)

There are veileds andpanthers in my home.
I will make new thread to say what kind of chameleon I can find in China
You said..." I swathed ZOOMED's REPTIVIT(vitamins) on crickets"...I use Rep-cal, a phosphorous-free calcium powder to dust the insects with at most feedings. I use Rep-Cal's vitamin powder twice a month and since my chameleons don't get any sunlight unually, I dust with Rep-Cal's calcium/D3 powder twice a month lightly. I gutload my insects and feed them a nutritious diet. The crickets get greens (dandelion greens, kale, collards, endive, escarole, mustard greens) and veggies (sweet potato, sweet red pepper, squash, zucchini, carrot, etc.).

Appropriate basking temperatures are also important for good digestion.

You said.."I think that she is not caught Metabolic Bone Disease. because of all (UVB,Vitm,cal) are the bast"...what UVB light do you use on your chameleons? She doesn't show any obvious signs of having MBD.

Vitamin D3, vitamin A, phosphorous and calcium are the main things that are important for good bones and they need to be in balance. When you are trying to get these balanced you need to look at what you feed to the insects and what you use to supplement (dust) with and whatever you feed to the chameleon.

I hope you won't have problems with any of your other chameleons!
Oh my god! Thank you so much kinyonga.

I have been feeding crickets with FLUKER'S cricket diet. but some people here said that Fluckers is chicken food. so I am dizzy now. I am going to make nutritious food by myself or find new gutload here. Anyway I will improve my cricket's food.

The brand of my UVB is ZOOMED and EXOTERRA, The cage is EXOTERRA, UVA and others are ZOOMED(supplement). I know ZOOMED is not the best of the world. But it is the best I can find out in China. so......

Your chameleons don't get any sunlight unually. Do you provide UVB to it? It rely on Calcium with D3 only?
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