How to measure UV for 1 month Veiled?


My 1 month year old veiled chameleon has his own 5.0 UV bulb in the form of a rod. I'm skeptical of whether it's hitting his favorite basking spot. How do I know if he's getting enough?


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The 6.2 measures UVB intensity in microwatts per square centimeter. The 6.5 measures UVB and a little UVA as UV index.

I have both but if I were to pick just one I'd use the 6.2. You'll know the instant your UV bulbs start to die out if you sample the reading regularly.

digression alert
If you really want your eyes opened, take the thing outside and get some readings. Measure in the shade, at the edge of the shade, in the indirect light, and in direct light. It turns out that 50 uW/cm^2 -- which is what I get at the basking spot from a nice 12% Arcadia bulb -- is equivalent to living in the edge of the shadows. It's no wonder we have to stuff their tiny bodies with D3 and calcium.
end digression

I just checked amazon and it seems there's a sale on where you get the 6.2 and a gun-type IR thermometer.
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