How to offer veg/fruit to a veiled


Chameleon Enthusiast
Hi all, My veiled will sometimes take pieces of veg from my fingers using his tongue but I'd like him to have more access to veg and fruit- if I chop up pieces and put them in a feeding pot will to know what they are and eat them?
or is common practise to fix slivers of food onto a branch- if so whats a good clip or holder to use,mine all fall off or swivel around on the branch,
does anyone put greeney stalk ends in a small water reservoir to keep them from wilting and more appealing to the cham?
any help gratefully received. :)
I generally will put a few small carrot shreds and greens in the feeder bowl and my veiled will munch on them. I set up a clip hanging off a vine and offer fresh greens and he will readily eat from that as well. I find that the feeders will tend to stay in the bowl with the carrots and stuff there rather than jumping out, so it is a win-win ;). They will dry out fast though, so I have to change them out often.
Thanks for that, great idea with the feeders in there too, self gutloading, super, will give it a go,just got to find a good container and clip.
Many thanks
I generally will put a few small carrot shreds and greens in the feeder bowl and my veiled will munch on them. I set up a clip hanging off a vine and offer fresh greens and he will readily eat from that as well. I find that the feeders will tend to stay in the bowl with the carrots and stuff there rather than jumping out, so it is a win-win ;). They will dry out fast though, so I have to change them out often.

I do pretty much the same thing. I handfeed, use a shallow bowl and clothespin greens to a branch.
Currently only my female eats fruit.. i tried carrot, apple raspberries and strawberries all chopped up, she eats all the strawberries but leaves the rest lol I'll chop up one or 2 strawberries and dump it in her little glass dish and she goes right down and stuffs her face lol i have not tried greens yet. iIgive kale, carrots and apples to the roaches and crickets tho. Then I pick up a 20 piece chicken nugget w sweet n sour sauce for myself.. hahaha
I use a medium chip clip... like the ones for keeping bags closed. Dollar Tree :) clip kale leaves with the stem removed but they do dry out pretty fast.

For the cut up items, I have a feeder cup that came with a caribiner-type clip and that clips around a branch. Ophelia LOVES melon. I second the idea of mixing those items with the feeders... works great :)
Thanks everyone, some great ideas that I'm putting in place already, hoping he gets the idea, I added some kale and alfalfa whilst he was outdoors in his glass house today but he didn't try them, I'll just keep trying, I noticed when he was having a walk on an olive tree he tried to bite a leaf so he must want to try things more.
Got sweet and sour chicken on the mind now (y)
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