how to setup basking area?


New Member
so i have a branch just eight inches under 75watt heatlamp. is that proper or is there a better setup? he doesnt seem to interested in it. so im wondering if im doing it wrong or what any of u do thanks.
so i have a branch just eight inches under 75watt heatlamp. is that proper or is there a better setup? he doesnt seem to interested in it. so im wondering if im doing it wrong or what any of u do thanks.

Hmm, i would say give the cham time to settle if this is newly set up. How big your viv & cham?
What kind of cham?

How big of a branch?

How hot does the spot get?

It may be too far away, or not far away enough, or the branch may not be sturdy enough or what he considers suitable enough to bask on. Can you share a picture?

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