New Member
I'm new to the chameleon world. I have a 8 or 9 month old Veiled chameleon.
I've been feeding him crickets, the occasional superworm, waxworm and roach since I've had him. He seems to be doing alright, but I saw him eating dirt today and I looked up why he'd be doing that. I guess it could be because he's not getting the right supplements? He also, since last night while I was watching him eat, kept missing his food. I've watched him eat a couple times today and he seems to not be missing anymore, but he missed like 3 out of 4 tries per cricket for about 3 crickets last night... weird.
What should I be using to gutload my crickets and roaches (I don't gutload superworms or waxworms)? I use different fruits, lettuce, kale, carrots, etc. and I add avocado for the roaches.
And I keep reading how people "supplement" their chameleon with D3, calcium and multivitamin. I know I could dust the crickets before I put them in the cage, but how do I give my chameleon the rest of these supplements? Should I just get some sort of supplemented cricket feed and put it in their box for them to gutload on? I have a cage for them and put about 180-200 in there at a time and just feed them constantly until I'm out and get more.
What are the best methods??
Thanks, everyone!
I've been feeding him crickets, the occasional superworm, waxworm and roach since I've had him. He seems to be doing alright, but I saw him eating dirt today and I looked up why he'd be doing that. I guess it could be because he's not getting the right supplements? He also, since last night while I was watching him eat, kept missing his food. I've watched him eat a couple times today and he seems to not be missing anymore, but he missed like 3 out of 4 tries per cricket for about 3 crickets last night... weird.
What should I be using to gutload my crickets and roaches (I don't gutload superworms or waxworms)? I use different fruits, lettuce, kale, carrots, etc. and I add avocado for the roaches.
And I keep reading how people "supplement" their chameleon with D3, calcium and multivitamin. I know I could dust the crickets before I put them in the cage, but how do I give my chameleon the rest of these supplements? Should I just get some sort of supplemented cricket feed and put it in their box for them to gutload on? I have a cage for them and put about 180-200 in there at a time and just feed them constantly until I'm out and get more.
What are the best methods??
Thanks, everyone!