Hello everybody, I've been browsing the forums for a couple months now and finally signed up as I cannot find an answer to my question. Anyways, I'm in the process of gathering all the equipment I need for a Veiled, so far I have an 18x18x36 screen cage, next I will get lighting and after that I will get a mister. So once I have everything, I would like to pick up a baby veiled, but is there an age I should avoid? Many years ago, in the early 90's I was sold a few day old baby jackson chameleon by a local keeper who had a surprise clutch. Our only local pet store was going to take a week to get small enough crickets in, so the baby jackson did not make it. I know crickets will not be a problem now days with over night shipping and 2 pet stores in my town now, but what age is old enough to take a baby home?