Hows my little guy looking? Too Thin?


New Member
Hey guys just wondering if i could get an opinion of how this guys lookin, whether hes too skinny or has any defects? I just got him about a month ago. Whenever I take him outside he turns a very very dark green which i assuming is him trying to absorb sunlight, but could it be something else? Comments or insight appreciated, thanks!


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welcome to the forum!!! he looks a little porker lol but his limbs look fine he is fine not to skinny at all. mine all start out dark outside till they are comfy out there hes cute congrats!!!! are you sure he is a boy? or your just going buy what you were told. do you know how to tell? if not they (boys) will have a little bump at the back of the back feet (tarsal spur)

this is not intended to offend anyone in anyway just want you to be sure you got what you paid for not everyone knows what there baby is. just helpful hints
lol no problem but yes its a male! I actually had to point that out to the pet store guy because he wasnt exactly sure >.> I researched quite a bit before buyin him. HAha im stoked Dexter's lookin good though!
lol good job the internet has been my best friend for a long time for the research part lol i dont take info unless i se the same info like four times over there is so much crap out there lol i like the petsore thing just shows how much they are tought before they get put on the floor at a pet store they should know how to sex a veiled.
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