HPS Light

I have a High Pressure Sodium light (250 watts) that puts out about 27,000 lumens of red-spectrum light. These are used to grow indoor plants are are supposed to be the closest thing to real sunlight.

My thinking is this would be about as good as it gets for a cham. Am I wrong?
yes. i believe you are wrong. i dont think that will put out the kind of uvb you chameleon needs. might even be too much for it. Your chameleon would love the heat that thing puts out though.
That thing will cook your Cham lmao. Also a big waste of electricity IMO you would need to have it raised up pretty high and it puts out an awful orange color
HPS lights do put out UVB to the best of my knowledge, but unless you have a solarmeter and can measure the outputs, it is not appropriate to be used in a "blind guess" technique.

Unless you have a solarmeter (and are willing to change out that expensive HPS bulb when the UV output drops below acceptable values, EVEN THOUGH it still generates enough light!). IMHO, the cost here is just not worth it.

Also, temps wil be WAY too high....you are going to have to really elevate that light and/or vent it.
Lastly, it will be too bright unless you have an extremely densely and largely lit cage. In a typical 2x2x4 I would say that it is def too much light.

@Alex: 6500k is the closest to daylihgt and is what PLANTS need, yep. However, make sure you still have your heat(bask) and UVB bulbs as well! 6500K is just for plants (also, you can get it way cheaper in home depot instead of petco)
$9 for the bulb+fixture is a good deal.

5.0 UVB + Basking bulb = perfect for cham
6500K bulb = perfect for plants

everyone is happy with lights :)
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