

Staff member
Anyone using a humidifier? I will be building a new adult cage this weekend, and was wondering if anyone had any specific brands\models to recommend.
Finally picked one up at walmart today. They didn't have exactly what I was looking for, so I picked up the Relion ultrasonic humidifier . I then went to home depot and bought some pvc piping and a new timer. The 2" pvc fit perfectly.

What you do is remove a piece from the humidifier, and then insert the pvc into the open slot. You can use different shapes of pvc to properly direct the mist into your cage. I tried it with Ezhno's current cage, and he loved it. He immediately walked from his basking spot to the opposite side of the cage to investigate. He sat under it for about 10 minutes, eyed a silkworm nearby and had a snack, and then went to bask some more. :p I will take some pics tomorrow.
Wish I could take credit for the idea, but it is not mine ;). I was first told of the idea a couple years ago at a local herp show.
I could not find the time to build a cage and Ezhno is getting big, so I purchased a 2'x2'x4' screen cage. Most of the cage furnishings are temporary; I need larger plants and some more branches/vines. Anyways, You can see the humidifier and pvc pipping in this picture.


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Hello RaiderHater :eek:
welcome to the chameleon forums

I use the humidifier to raise humidity when needed, but not as a mister replacement. A humidifier can't replace the drinking water provided by a mister.
Thanks for the welcome Brad. Do you have an automatic misting system in addition to the humidifier or do you mist by hand? I live in fairly dry climate and was thinking of getting auto misting system for humidity/water source, but may be cheaper to use humidifier and hand mister.
Currently I am not using an auto mister with that cage. I do have plans to add one though. I spray manually and use a couple water drippers.

I use the Pro Mist System for almost all of my cages except babies. It's such an ultra fine mist that it not only adds humidity it settles on leaves and starts a nice drip on all the leaves in your cage. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THEM!
I've been using this system for 3 years and never had any problems with it at all. I use R/O water so I don't worry about the misting heads clogging at all, but if they do you can take the misting head off and soak it in CLR and then rinse it really well.
This thread is over 8 months old ;)
Thanks for the recommendations though :)

I am now a proud owner of a rainmaker I. It is fantastic and I would recommend it to anyone.
One thing I have learned... A pool cleaning hose works well for plugging into the humidifier and is flexible.
Brad said:
Finally picked one up at walmart today. They didn't have exactly what I was looking for, so I picked up the Relion ultrasonic humidifier . I then went to home depot and bought some pvc piping and a new timer. The 2" pvc fit perfectly.

What you do is remove a piece from the humidifier, and then insert the pvc into the open slot. You can use different shapes of pvc to properly direct the mist into your cage. I tried it with Ezhno's current cage, and he loved it. He immediately walked from his basking spot to the opposite side of the cage to investigate. He sat under it for about 10 minutes, eyed a silkworm nearby and had a snack, and then went to bask some more. :p I will take some pics tomorrow.
First time posting but I want to thank Brad for his help in finding a cage to build. I built the cage from John at Chameleon Paradise and it turned out looking good. I have two young Jackson's living in it right now until I get the time and the power tools to build a separate cage for the female. My quesion is this...I have the same humidifier as you Brad and have it set up similar to your except that I put a straight piece of pvc over the top with holes to spread out the mist. When I bought the humidifier I also bought a bottle of the treatment for the water. I haven't put this in yet because I want to make sure that it will not be harmful to my babies. Do you suggest using this treatment? Second question is how long are you running your humidifier for at a time? I bought a timer for it that can be programmed for three settings. How long would you suggest that I run it for each time? You've given me lots of help so far and I know that you will be able to help me again. Thanks in advance.
I use the same PVC setup and it runs on a timer 3 times a day, 5-7am 1130-2pm, and 6-7pm, I just tried to space the times out in order to keep the humidity up through a 24 hour period. It also keeps some water drops on my plants all day.
I use the Holmes HM485 series ultrasonic. I have several of them and they work great. One has been running everyday since November 04. Plumbing pool hose or PVC to them is snap. If you look hard enough you can find them for $35US. I highly recommend them.

Does that model have a timer on it? I have seen several people mention that they run it for x amount of time every three hours, etc.

Also, Roo, you mentioned before that you had purchased a room humidifier. Does the humidity in your tanks still drop down low enough to require the additional humidifiers?

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