Humidity in enclosure


New Member
Hi, I have a 16W inX 30L inX 36H in screen cage for my juvenile chameleon. How can I maintain the humidity in it?
Hi, I have a 16W inX 30L inX 36H in screen cage for my juvenile chameleon. How can I maintain the humidity in it?

If you don't already have live plants in the cage, these help a lot. I've heard of people that get the right humidity level just by adding live plants. Using a cool mist humidifier in the room can help and wrapping three sides of the cage with plastic. What species do you have? How often and how long do you mist?
Hi, I have a 16W inX 30L inX 36H in screen cage for my juvenile chameleon. How can I maintain the humidity in it?
There are all sorts of ideas for maintaining and increasing humidity located in the various husbandry articles located under the forum Resources tab above. It would help if you gave us a description of your current setup and also say how you monitor the humidity level now. Right now we don't have enough information to help you!
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