Humidity low any suggestions?


New Member
I've got my little ambanja girl (6 months old) in a small reptibreeze with two bonsai ficus and an umbrella plant. I'm having a devil of a time keeping the humidity up! I mist her before work (7am), right when I get home(5-530pm) (7pm) and a few hours later. When I get home from work, the humidity can be as low as 30! :( I wrapped the back and one side with saran wrap tonight to see how it goes, but the wrap doesn't want to stick. Wondering if any has any suggestions on what to use to cover the sides to help keep the humidity up? Thank you in advance!
Have you considered getting a small humidifier? I got one from Target that goes for about 18 hours for 30 bucks. And maybe add a dripper so she has a water source while you are gone?

A more expensive option would be an automatic mister.

I've never tried the saran wrap but I do have black trash bags on a couple of my cages on one side to block views of other chams. I used double sided tape to the frame of the cage. It sticks well and as it's on the frame it doesn't get too wet and fall off.
Try the double sticky tape idea. Another idea would be to to replace one or more sides with Coroplast. If you didn't want to replace the screen, you could easily attach it to the outside.

How many natural plants do you have in the cage? They really do help with humidity. If you can have them in uncoated clay pots, that's even better.
Two bonsai ficus and a umbrella plant that touches the top, it's pretty "planty" I have some electrical tape and I found some thick black plastic that's used for roofing...might could cut it to fit the panels. I could use some chloroplast on the chicken pen too! The plants are in plastic pots. I could go for a humidifyer, but the mister i just dont know where I would put the daggumn bucket! lol I have a lil'dripper, but I am concerned on where the drips pile up so I stopped using it. Pain in the butt it either drips too much or not enough. Usually too much, ohhh...I was thinking of using a metal food dish covered in hardware cloth so she couldn't fall in? hmmm
Thank you for the help! I will get some clay pots!
I'de like to show a picture, but I don't know how?
Where exactly are you measuring your humidity? If you have a gauge that it a humidity and temperature like i have, try moving it to a new spot. For example. If i leave it in the basking spot to get readings of the basking temps, the heat right there makes the humidity lower. The lowest it gets in that spot is about 30 percent. However, if i move it to away from being in the basking light, it doesn't get below 70 percent.

I went to wal-mart and bought some cheap cheap clear shower curtains. Cut them to size and put a little dot of hot glu on the corners of the cage and stuck the curtains to it.. Holds very well.
Oh! I didn't think of that! I have a temp/hum dual gauge right by the basking spot! You are a genius! I like the shower curtain idea too! Awesome! Thank you! I will be moving it in the morning!
Mwahahah! I figured it out I hope! Dave getting ready for bed in her "planty" house.
I had the same problem withe the little dripper! if you know anyone in the medical field ask them to get you an I.V. drip valve and thumbwheel. it should be free, they're cheap and disposable. Just connect the tube to the valve that is already on the little dripper. The thumb wheel is much more efficient at getting a controlled drip rate.
Thanks for that tip! I definately have that connection! I tried longer tubes, shorter tubes, no tubes, covered the little hole on the top....blah!
I'm near Tallahassee, you wouldn't think anywhere in Fl would be an issue! I think maybe it because my place is so small and the heating/cooling of the house zaps the humidity. Also, the gauge was in the basking spot-dryest area! I have moved the gauge to a new location and I will see what it reads when I get home today :) Looking forward to good news!
my humidity runs between 55 to 70 on average. I do run a dripper all day though or most of the day. I guess each individual house's variables have to be factored in. Also, how big is your cage? Can you fit a cookie sheet in the bottom to catch the water?
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