
Hi guys I have a glass viv with mesh lid and mesh on one side,the humidity stays between 50-60 all the time,I have a dripper in the viv,I was just wondering if I should still be spraying the viv 2 times a day,after each spray it goes up to 70-75 humidity till it dries out is this normal?
Many thanks
The humidity depends on the species of chameleon, which I'm guessing is a Veiled :D
Veiled chams prefer humidity to be between 40 and 70%, so the humidity in the enclosure is very good.
Keep up the mistings.
Mistings help chams to clean their eyes and can help them to get shedding skin off.
This forum page about Veiled cham care has plenty of important information , so it's well worth reading through

There are many other excellent pages in that area of the forum.
My veiled chameleon is about 3 months old and very tiny. My friend has had a veiled for about a year since he was a baby also, she told me to be very carful not to spray him to get water in his nose because he is still very tiny and that If I get him wet with the mister and water gets in his nose he could possibly drown and die. Is this correct? im afraid to spray him because of this but I see all the time of owners misting their chams for the reason listed above.
do you think a vivarium fogger will help and could i get rid of the drip system if i do this?

IMHO I would keep the drip system just because it gives another source of drinking water. But, yes the fogger will help raise the humidity If you are worried about it, I would still continue to mist though
IMHO I would keep the drip system just because it gives another source of drinking water. But, yes the fogger will help raise the humidity If you are worried about it, I would still continue to mist though

i just worry that after i mist the viv the humidity goes up to 80-85%,is this normal? but sits at 50-60 all day with out misting
i just worry that after i mist the viv the humidity goes up to 80-85%,is this normal? but sits at 50-60 all day with out misting

Yes that's normal, I wouldn't even worry with a fogger then.

You want to have spikes in the humidity after you mist, but you also want to have enough time to allow the cage to dry out between mistings. Between the mistings and dripper that should be plenty of water and humidity for your little cham:)
My veiled chameleon is about 3 months old and very tiny. My friend has had a veiled for about a year since he was a baby also, she told me to be very carful not to spray him to get water in his nose because he is still very tiny and that If I get him wet with the mister and water gets in his nose he could possibly drown and die. Is this correct? im afraid to spray him because of this but I see all the time of owners misting their chams for the reason listed above.

I wouldn't overly mist him. I would use very warm water and start at his tail and work up his body. But if you stand a little ways back from him and mist him to where the mist comes out very fine It should be fine. Just make sure you give time for him to dry.
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