

New Member
what can i do to keep the humidity in my chams cage up? i spray about 4 -5 times a day. after i spray the humidity goes down in about 20 min. :confused:
you could drape plastic (i.e shower curtain) over a few sides of your cage or add live plants to help boost humidity
Do you have enough plant material in the enclosure to hold some moisture and provide some extended humidity effect?
I used Vinyl (from a party store birthday table cover) to cover views to other cham cages, and this will help with humidity. As far as humidity you can purchase a fogger but you can also use a regular cool mist humidifier 24/7 (which I do all my cages linger around 50-60% humidity day/night, Also real palnts. It is all about figuring out what is best for the conditions of your home. Took me 2 weeks to est. a good humidity level. Hope I helped a bit. u can go to target, Wally world or online that simple will set you back any where from $20-40 bucks. ;) Gd luck. Also use dippers . I skimmed through the posts so forgive me if you added that. Also a quick reminder keep your cages away from any type of drafts!
grimlin, did you read my post on the supplement thread that you commented on earlier and pm to you about the supplements you are using?
i dont have any real plants, just artificial ones, but i"ll try the shower curtains. thanks!

ohh dang thanks carol i havent used the minerall indoor, i just got it today. i was gonna start using it tomorrow. but thanks for the heads up.
i dont have any real plants, just artificial ones, but i"ll try the shower curtains. thanks!

ohh dang thanks carol i havent used the minerall indoor, i just got it today. i was gonna start using it tomorrow. but thanks for the heads up.

your welcome, I would take it back and get the OUTDOOR forumla if you have the other that contains the d3.
I use shower curtains on cages I need to 'add walls' to. I also use live plants and AquaZamp automated misting systems.

Another thing to keep in mind is that it is still a good idea to let the cage dry out and have a dry spell/low humidity. Also be sure you are using a digital humidity gauge, the cheap analog stuff at petco won't work, at all.
yeah the thing is i do have the outdoor formula it came in a package with the calcium and multivitamins but them i ordered the indoor since i was going to keep him indoor mostly but was unaware of the D3 problem. so it doesnt matter if i use outdoor if i keep him in door mostly?
You want to use a mix of three things...

Calcium without D3 (outdoor)
Calcium with D3 (indoor)
and a vitamin dust like... RepCal makes... lol forget the name but it's the blue label.

you want to use the 'indoor' maybe one or two times a week. if you are using the RepCal 'indoor' type, with the D3, only use it once a week because it has 100 times more D3 in it than the Miner-All. and use the 'outdoor' calcium without D3 the other days you aren't using the 'indoor' calcium... and then mix in the vitamin dust maybe two times a month... maybe even three.
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