New Member
My Jackson chameleon won't eat ANYTHING! He got bored with crickets, so I started mixing in some mealworms. He wouldn't eat those because they wouldn't crawl up the screen (sigh), so I tried superworms. I know that they are quite fatty, so I tried to space out his eating them, but very soon he got bored of those as well. I gave him white cabbage butterflies, which he relished for about two days, and then nothing. I also ordered blue bottle flies, which he refused from the get-go. I would love to order him some silkworms or hornworms, but the shipping alone is so expensive (I live in ND), and I don't know if they would survive 2-day shipping in this heat (97ish F) and 2 day shipping is already $17 on mullberryfarms.
He also has a very swollen eye, which I posted about in one of my previous threads...maybe that iss contributing to his hunger-strike? I don't know.
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Jackson, male, unknown age (quite young), in my care since 6/23
Handling - once or twice daily
Feeding - See above
Supplements - I dust them with Exo-Terra Calcium + D3. I also have a Fluker's Liquid Vitamin supplement, though I am not sure the proper dosage so I have been holding off on this.
Watering - I have a make-shift dripper, as there is no way to have drainage in his type of cage--on top is a plastic cup with a hole poked in it which drips down past his favorite branch into a cup at the bottom. I mist him at least three times daily with warm water. I have just today taken him out and u sed a cloth to squeeze warm water on him (he LOVES it). I treat the water with StressCoat currently, as I am out of ReptiSafe. I am told that this is safe for him.
Fecal Description - Consistency of a raw egg; clear portion and a yellow-white portion; also a solid brown portion; it was tested on July 7th and both the float and direct came back negative
Cage Info:
Cage Type - Screen; 18x18x36; sits atop a 31 inch tall table
Lighting - UVB- Reptisun 5.0 Tropical; Day Heat- ExoTerra 50w Intense Basking Spot (He has climbing places and vines to be able to get about 2 inches from the light); no night heat as it never gets below 72
Temperature - The thermometer, near the top, reads a little over 75 during the day and closer to 70 at night. I have an ExoTerra thermometer/humidity gauge.
Humidity - Humidity levels never fall below 50% I mist him and his surroundings daily.
Plants - no live plants
Placement - His cage is on the first floor of my home in an extroardinarily low-traffic room. No other animals are allowed in. There is a large window in the room (not near enough for drafts) so he does get some natural sunlight as well. There are no nearby vents.
Location - Bismarck, North Dakota
Current Problem - See above.
Thanks so much!
He also has a very swollen eye, which I posted about in one of my previous threads...maybe that iss contributing to his hunger-strike? I don't know.
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Jackson, male, unknown age (quite young), in my care since 6/23
Handling - once or twice daily
Feeding - See above
Supplements - I dust them with Exo-Terra Calcium + D3. I also have a Fluker's Liquid Vitamin supplement, though I am not sure the proper dosage so I have been holding off on this.
Watering - I have a make-shift dripper, as there is no way to have drainage in his type of cage--on top is a plastic cup with a hole poked in it which drips down past his favorite branch into a cup at the bottom. I mist him at least three times daily with warm water. I have just today taken him out and u sed a cloth to squeeze warm water on him (he LOVES it). I treat the water with StressCoat currently, as I am out of ReptiSafe. I am told that this is safe for him.
Fecal Description - Consistency of a raw egg; clear portion and a yellow-white portion; also a solid brown portion; it was tested on July 7th and both the float and direct came back negative
Cage Info:
Cage Type - Screen; 18x18x36; sits atop a 31 inch tall table
Lighting - UVB- Reptisun 5.0 Tropical; Day Heat- ExoTerra 50w Intense Basking Spot (He has climbing places and vines to be able to get about 2 inches from the light); no night heat as it never gets below 72
Temperature - The thermometer, near the top, reads a little over 75 during the day and closer to 70 at night. I have an ExoTerra thermometer/humidity gauge.
Humidity - Humidity levels never fall below 50% I mist him and his surroundings daily.
Plants - no live plants
Placement - His cage is on the first floor of my home in an extroardinarily low-traffic room. No other animals are allowed in. There is a large window in the room (not near enough for drafts) so he does get some natural sunlight as well. There are no nearby vents.
Location - Bismarck, North Dakota
Current Problem - See above.
Thanks so much!