Husbandry completion

Hi @Phsycoticfly . This is only my opion but as our chams like to feel safe i would move the basking light to the back right so it can look out and down through foliage rather than looking into your room


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Aaw I see that's why the enclosure is a bit darker the uva is nearly half the percent of a pro t5 6 % as the shade dweller is designed for grested gekos and others
Yeah as well as the light I currently use for his basking spot is a uva bulb as well but I'm currently on the hunt for a new grow light but can't find anything I like at home depot any recommendations
Yeah as well as the light I currently use for his basking spot is a uva bulb as well but I'm currently on the hunt for a new grow light but can't find anything I like at home depot any recommendations
On amazon, they have a t5 zoo med 5.0 linear bulb
I like my arcadia that's not the issue I just want to find a new grow light because I am worried about my chammies eyes so I want to find a good one I never use it because idk which ones best
The Arcadia is the problem, it’s for shade dwellers as the other guy said. You need to get a more powerful one
hi im new on forum and on chameleons!my english is not that good so be patiece :) !!can i ask if that reflector is ok for 65 cm wide terrarium and this uvb t5?κατοπ...BfdHlwZSI6IndlYiIsImNwIjoiZiIsInRhZ3MiOiIifV0λαμπτηρασ-ερπετων-ακτινοβολια-as-reptile-d3-pro-t5-6-550-mm-24w.html
Hi and welcome firstly you could start your own thread go to post title enclosure. I would say your English is better than my Greek lol. You dont need a separate reflector just get a t5 pro uvb kit I will post a picture in a bit
Hi and welcome firstly you could start your own thread go to post title enclosure. I would say your English is better than my Greek lol. You dont need a separate reflector just get a t5 pro uvb kit I will post a picture in a bit
Thanks for your answer/help.i think the t5 uvb kit its expencive,thats why i wanna buy them seperate! I go for new thread. Thanks again!
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