I’m about a month into keeping my 1st chameleon and I just wanna see if I’m doing this right so lmk
Chameleon Info:
Veiled chameleon , Male, 4 months old, ive had him for 1 month
Handling - I take him out at least 4 times a week to get about 30 mins of natural sunlight I leave him on some sticks or a nearby plant. He’s in my actual hand for about 5 mins or however long it takes me to bring him out his cage and to the outside.
Feeding - I feed him mainly dubia roaches and some crickets here and there mostly duibas tho. He will eat a maximum of 12-14 bugs and a minimum of at least 6 all depends on size and amount eaten the day before. I feed him everyday around 6 or 7 o’clock pm. I gut load the roaches with apple and carrot slices
Supplements - I have been using repti calcium without d3. I use this every time I feed and I dust the bugs right before I give them to my Cham. I also have the zoo meds reptivite that I have yet to open and use because I don’t know what that is.
Watering - I am using a spray bottle to mist. I mist his cage two times a day once in the morning and again at night about an hour or 30 mins before I turn his lights off. I mist for 2 mins straight or until I see his plants and screen walls have sufficient droplets (I never let his cage walls get runny with water) I’ve only seen him drink water once or twice when I had just gotten him but I don’t see him drink often. I also run the homemade dripper cup 2 or 3 times a week.
Fecal Description - he be taking good poops I know that forsure. Also worth noting that some clear liquid comes out when he urates (am using that right? Peeing??)
History - I got him from pet co and he recently shed his skin for the first time in my keeping about 3-4 weeks ago.
Cage Info:
(All of my current equipment came from the chameleon kit)
Cage Type - I have a 16x16x30 screen cage
Lighting - Zoo med dual dome housing with the reptisin compact 5.0 uvb 13 w bulb and daylight blue reptile bulb 60 w. Lights are on from 8am to 8pm
Temperature - basking spot is at 72-76°. Lowest over night temp is 55°. I use the digital thermometer that came with the chameleon kit
Humidity - I don’t know my humidity levels or have no way of measuring them yet.
Plants - Just today I re potted and cleaned my first live plants for my chameleon I have a money tree and a devils ivy. I didn’t realize how big these plants were in relation to my cage so I was only able to put in the money tree. I was thinking of just leaving the devils ivy on the cage floor along side the money tree and run it’s vines up along the other branches I have or walls of the cage. Any tips on how I should go about planting this thing will be appreciated
Placement - my cage is next to my bed along side a window that I open to let some natural sunlight in as well for him.
(His cage is scooted up here to allow a little more sun light but it’s usually flush against the wall)
Some pictures of the crazy guy lol
Location - USA CA
LA area
Chameleon Info:
Veiled chameleon , Male, 4 months old, ive had him for 1 month
Handling - I take him out at least 4 times a week to get about 30 mins of natural sunlight I leave him on some sticks or a nearby plant. He’s in my actual hand for about 5 mins or however long it takes me to bring him out his cage and to the outside.
Feeding - I feed him mainly dubia roaches and some crickets here and there mostly duibas tho. He will eat a maximum of 12-14 bugs and a minimum of at least 6 all depends on size and amount eaten the day before. I feed him everyday around 6 or 7 o’clock pm. I gut load the roaches with apple and carrot slices
Supplements - I have been using repti calcium without d3. I use this every time I feed and I dust the bugs right before I give them to my Cham. I also have the zoo meds reptivite that I have yet to open and use because I don’t know what that is.
Watering - I am using a spray bottle to mist. I mist his cage two times a day once in the morning and again at night about an hour or 30 mins before I turn his lights off. I mist for 2 mins straight or until I see his plants and screen walls have sufficient droplets (I never let his cage walls get runny with water) I’ve only seen him drink water once or twice when I had just gotten him but I don’t see him drink often. I also run the homemade dripper cup 2 or 3 times a week.
Fecal Description - he be taking good poops I know that forsure. Also worth noting that some clear liquid comes out when he urates (am using that right? Peeing??)
History - I got him from pet co and he recently shed his skin for the first time in my keeping about 3-4 weeks ago.
Cage Info:
(All of my current equipment came from the chameleon kit)
Cage Type - I have a 16x16x30 screen cage
Lighting - Zoo med dual dome housing with the reptisin compact 5.0 uvb 13 w bulb and daylight blue reptile bulb 60 w. Lights are on from 8am to 8pm
Temperature - basking spot is at 72-76°. Lowest over night temp is 55°. I use the digital thermometer that came with the chameleon kit
Humidity - I don’t know my humidity levels or have no way of measuring them yet.
Plants - Just today I re potted and cleaned my first live plants for my chameleon I have a money tree and a devils ivy. I didn’t realize how big these plants were in relation to my cage so I was only able to put in the money tree. I was thinking of just leaving the devils ivy on the cage floor along side the money tree and run it’s vines up along the other branches I have or walls of the cage. Any tips on how I should go about planting this thing will be appreciated
Placement - my cage is next to my bed along side a window that I open to let some natural sunlight in as well for him.
(His cage is scooted up here to allow a little more sun light but it’s usually flush against the wall)
Some pictures of the crazy guy lol
Location - USA CA
LA area